Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'sb'

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Direct access: 御休み , 気配 , 言葉 , 祝福 , 対決 , 太刀 , 駄目 , 溺死 , 火炙 , 保管


pronunciation: oyasumi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: お休み   keyword: greeting   
translation: holiday, vacation, sleeping
御休みなさい: oyasuminasai: Good night!
御休みを言う: oyasumioiu: say [bid] sb. good night <<<


pronunciation: kehai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: sign, indication
気配を感じる: kehaiokanjiru: feel sb. [sth.] <<<
春の気配: harunokehai: touch [signs] of spring <<<


pronunciation: kotoba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: word, term, speech, language, wording, expression, diction, remark
言葉を交わす: kotobaokawasu: exchange words with, speak with <<<
言葉を返す: kotobaokaesu: answer, talk back <<<
言葉を飾る: kotobaokazaru: adorn one's speech <<<
言葉を濁す: kotobaonigosu: give a vague answer <<<
言葉を遮る: kotobaosaegiru: interrupt sb. <<<
言葉を信じる: kotobaoshinjiru: take sb.'s word for it, take sb. at his word <<<
言葉の多い: kotobanoooi: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
言葉の少ない: kotobanosukunai: taciturn, quiet, (man) of few words <<<
言葉静かに: kotobashizukani: in a calm tone <<<
言葉巧みに: kotobatakumini: with sweet words <<<
言葉汚く: kotobakitanaku: in revolting language <<<
合言葉: aikotoba: password, parole <<< , 暗号
話言葉: hanashikotoba: spoken language <<<
書言葉: kakikotoba: written language <<<
花言葉: hanakotoba: flower language <<<
言葉遣い: kotabaZukai: wording, diction, expression, language <<<
check also 文句 , 言語


pronunciation: shukuhuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: christianity   
translation: blessing, benediction, beatitude
祝福する: shukuhukusuru: bless, beatify
祝福された: shukuhukusareta: blessed
祝福を受ける: shukuhukuoukeru: have sb's blessing <<<


pronunciation: taiketsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , law   
translation: confrontation
対決する: taiketsusuru: confront oneself (with)
対決させる: taiketsusaseru: confront sb. with sb., bring (a person) face to face (with)
力の対決: chikaranotaiketsu: confrontation of force <<<


pronunciation: tachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon , history   
translation: long sword
太刀持ち: tachimochi: sword-bearer <<<
太刀を穿く: tachiohaku: bear a sword <<< 穿
太刀を抜く: tachionuku: pull the sword <<<
太刀魚: tachiuo: scabbard fish <<<
太刀打: tachiuchi: sword combat <<< , 剣道
太刀打出来る: tachiuchidekiru: be a good match, can rival sb. <<< 出来
check also


pronunciation: dame   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ダメ  
translation: uselessness, futileness, futility, hopelessness, incompetence, inefficiency, must not
駄目な: damena: useless, vain, futile, hopeless, incompetent, inefficient
駄目である: damedearu: be useless [hopeless, futile, incompetent], be no good, be (of) no use
駄目にする: damenisuru: spoil, ruin, waste, bring (a plan) to naught
駄目に成る: dameninaru: be spoiled [ruined], end in a failure, fall through <<<
駄目を押す: dameoosu: make sure, make assurance doubly sure <<< , 確認
もう駄目だ: moudameda: It's all over with sb.
其れは駄目だ: damewadameda: That won't do <<<
check also 無駄


pronunciation: dekishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: [death by] drowning
溺死する: dekishisuru: be [get] drowned; drown
溺死させる: dekishisaseru: drown sb.
溺死者: dekishisha: drowned person <<<
溺死体: dekishitai: drowned body <<<


pronunciation: hiaburi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 火焙   keyword: justice   
translation: stake, fire and faggot
火炙の刑に処せられる: hiaburinokeinishoserareru: be burned at the stake
火炙に成る: hiaburininaru <<<
火炙にする: hiaburinisuru: burn sb. at the stake


pronunciation: hokan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: charge, custody, storage
保管する: hokansuru: keep (a thing for), take charge [custody] of, take [have] (a thing) in charge
保管して貰う: hokanshitemorau: deposit sth. with sb., give sb. sth. for safe keeping <<<
保管人: hokannnin: keeper, custodian, trustee <<<
保管物: hokanbutsu: article in custody <<<
保管料: hokanryou: charges for custody, storage <<<
synonyms: 保存

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