Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'do'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: do, carry out, deed
為す: nasu: do (vt.), carry out
為る: suru: do, try, play, act, practice, engage [be engaged] (in), cost, be worth, pass
為る事にしている: surukotonishiteiru: make it a rule to do, make it a point of doing <<<
為める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage <<<
為: tame: good, benefit, interest, profit, advantage
為に: tameni: for (the sake of), for a person's good, on a person's account, to a person's advantage, in the interests of, in the service of, for the purpose [shake] of, with a view of (doing), in order to (do), so as to (to), because of, on account of
為に成る: tameninaru: benefit, be good for, do (a person) good, be beneficial [profitable, instructive] (to) <<<
為に成らない: tameninaranai: be of no good, do (one) harm, be bad for, be injurious [harmful] (to) <<<
為し遂げる: nashitogeru: finish, complete, carry out, accomplish, achieve <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 5
translation: serve
shi, ji
仕える: tsukaeru: serve, be in a person's service, wait on (a person)
仕る: tsukamatsuru: do (pol., jp.), perform
仕向ける: shimukeru: force (a person to do), egg on (a person to do) <<<
check also 使

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 6
translation: way, go (ext.), carry out, deed
kou, gyou, an
行く: iku, yuku: go, go away, leave (for), frequent, attend, visit
行く春: ikuharu, yukuharu: departing spring <<<
行く秋: ikuaki, yukuaki: departing autumn <<<
行く年を送る: ikutoshiookuru, yukutoshiookuru: see the old year out
行き: iki, yuki: for, to
行き合う: ikiau, yukiau: meet on the way, come across, fall in with (a person) <<<
行き当たる: ikiataru, yukiataru: come [strike, bump] against <<< ,
行き当たりばったりの: ikiataribattarino, yukiataribattarino: haphazard, blind, hit-or-miss <<<
行き交う: ikikau, yukikau: come and go, pass [go] to and fro <<<
行き掛けに: ikigakeni, yukigakeni: on one's way (to a place) <<< , 途中
行き届く: ikitodoku, yukitodoku: be careful, be attentive, be scrupulous, be prudent, be complete, be thoroughgoing <<< , 完全
行き届かない: yukitodokanai: be careless, be inattentive, be thoughtless, be incomplete <<<
行る: meguru: come round <<<
行う: okonau: do, carry out, perform
行: michi: way, road <<<
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: construction , farming    nb of strokes: 7
translation: make, create, produce, do, undertake
sa, saku
作: saku: harvest (jp.)
作る: tsukuru: make (v.), create, invent, manufacture, produce, turn out, brew, form, organize, establish, cultivate, raise, grow, build up, erect, construct, lay out, design, make up, touch up, cook, prepare
作り: tsukuri: make (n.), construction, build, toilet, makeup <<< 構造 , 細工 , 化粧
作り上げる: tsukuriageru: build up, bring (a thing) to completion, finish, complete, fabricate, concoct, invent <<< , 完成
作り替え: tsukurikae: remaking, reconstruction, remodeling, adaptation <<<
作り替える: tsukurikaeru: remake, remodel, reconstruct, rewrite, adapt <<<
作り直す: tsukurinaosu <<<
作り方: tsukurikata: way of making, how to make, how to grow <<<
作り声: tsukurigoe: feigned voice, disguised tone <<<
作り声をする: tsukurigoeosuru: disguise one's voice, feign [affect, imitate] a person's voice <<<
作り事: tsukurigoto: fabrication, concoction, invention, make-up story, put-up affair <<<
作り事を言う: tsukurigotooiu: invent [make up] a story, fabricate a lie
作す: nasu: do, carry out <<<
作こる: okoru: start, undertake <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 16
translation: send, forward
輸る: okuru: send, forward, remit, transmit, ship, consign, dispatch <<<
輸す: itasu: do, cause <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 13
translation: send a person., dispatch
遣わす: tsukawasu: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.)
遣う: tsukau: employ a person (jp.) <<< 使
遣る: yaru: send a person, dispatch, give a thing (jp.), do, perform
遣り合う: yariau: have sharp words (with), dispute, wrangle <<<
遣り返す: yarikaesu: answer back, retort <<<
遣り切れない: yarikirenai: cannot bear, can hardly stand, be unbearable, be intolerable <<<
遣り込める: yarikomeru: put (a person) to silence, talk (a person) down, corner (a person) in argument <<<
遣り過ぎる: yarisugiru: overdo, go too far, do (a matter) too much <<<
遣り過す: yarisugosu: let (a person) pass by one, allow (a person) to pass on, eat [drink] too much <<<
遣り直す: yarinaosu: do (a matter) over again [once more], do (a matter) over from the very beginning <<<
遣り難い: yarinikui: difficult [hard] to do [deal with], awkward <<<
遣り抜く: yarinuku: achieve, carry through [out], accomplish, stick to (one's business) to the very last <<<
遣り通す: yaritoosu <<<
遣り遂げる: yaritogeru <<<
遣らかす: yarakasu: do, perform
遣られる: yarareru: be defeated, be beaten, be done for, be outwitted, be imposed upon, have (a thing) stolen, be stolen, fall ill, be taken ill, be damaged [injured, broken, destroyed, hit], be wounded, be killed [murdered]
遣らせ: yarase: frame-up, setup

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time , crime    nb of strokes: 12
translation: outrun, do too much, mistake
過ぎる: sugiru: outrun, do too much
過ぎた事: sugitakoto: past event, bygones <<<
過ぎた事は仕方が無い: sugitakotohashikataganai: Let bygones be bygones, What's done cannot be undone
過ごす: sugosu: pass (vi.), spend (time)
過る: yogiru: cross (v.)
過つ: ayamatsu: mistake (v.), err <<<
過ち: ayamachi: mistake (n.), fault, error
過ちを犯す: ayamachiookasu: commit a fault, make a mistake <<<
過ちを改める: ayamachioaratameru: mend one's ways <<<
過: toga: fault, blame, crime <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: top, up, upper, above, superior, high, noble
jou, shou
上げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly, land, unload, promote, increase, raise, give (pol.) offer, present, do for a person <<< ,
上がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar, advance, be promoted, be completed [finished], come to an end [a finish], be sufficient, come in, walk in, enter, improve, make progress, produce, achieve, accomplish, get nervous [excited]
上る: noboru: go up, come up, soar, mount <<<
上: ue: top, up, upper, above
上: kami: superior (n.)
上の: ueno: upper (a.), above, higher, larger, older, more, better, superior
上りの: noborino: uphill, up
上に: ueni: on, over, above, up, upward
上から: uekara: from above
上から下まで: uekarashitamade: from above to bottom <<<
上の級: uenokyuu: upper class <<<
上の階: uenokai: upper floor [story], upstairs <<<
上の人: uenohito: one's superior, those above one <<<
上り詰める: noboritsumeru: go [ascend] up to the top <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: down, below, under, inferior, low
ka, ge
下る: kudaru: come [get] down, descend, fall, drop, be inferior (to), be less than, be issued, be given
下らない: kudaranai: foolish, stupid, silly, absurd, unprofitable, useless, vain, trivial, worthless, insignificant
下さい: kudasai: Please do, I wish you would do, Will you give me (a thing.), Give me (a thing) please
下さる: kudasaru: give (pol.), confer (a thing) on (a person)
下す: kudasu: give, issue, subjugate, subdue, have loose bowels, purge bowels
下がる: sagaru: hang down, dangle, be hanging, fall, go down, descend, leave, retire, draw [step] back, dome down, demoted, decline, sink
下げる: sageru: hand (down), suspend, lower, let down, slash, reduce (a person) to a lower rank
下: shita, shimo: below, down, under
下の: shitano: lower, downward, subordinate, inferior
下りの: kudarino: down
下に: shitani: down (adv.), downward, downstairs
下から: shitakara: from below [the bottom]
下の者: shitanomono: one's subordinates, one's inferiors <<<
下に置く: shitanioku: put [lay] down <<<
下に降りる: shitanioriru: go [come] down, go downstairs <<<
下に降ろす: shitaniorosu: let down <<<
下を向く: shitaomuku: look down, lower one's eyes <<<
下にも置かぬ: shitanimookanu: hearty welcome <<<
下: moto: root, base <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 4
translation: direction, square, compare, hit, be about to do
方: kata: direction, method (jp.), person (pol.)
方べる: naraberu: place in order, arrange <<<
方たる: ataru: hit, strike <<<
方べる: kuraberu: compare <<<
方に: masani: be about to, be going to <<<

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