日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「仕舞込む」の翻訳

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発音: しまい   漢字: ,    キーワード: 時間   
翻訳:the end, the close, the termination, the finish, the conclusion
仕舞の: しまいの: the last, final, closing
仕舞に: しまいに: at last, at length, in the end, finally, eventually
仕舞まで: しまいまで: to the end [last]
仕舞に成る: しまいのなる: end (v.), come to an end [a close], be finished, be sold out <<<
仕舞う: しまう: close (v.), finish, end, conclude, put an end (to), bring (a matter) to an end, put away, stow away, restore (a thing) to, lay away, store, keep
店を仕舞う: みせをしまう: close a shop <<<
仕舞込む: しまいこむ: put [tuck, sow, lock] (a thing) away <<<
手仕舞: てじまい: liquidation (of position), evening up, closing of accounts [position] <<<
金庫に仕舞う: きんこにしまう: store in a vault <<< 金庫
布団を仕舞う: ふとんをしまう: put away the bedding <<< 布団

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