Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of '取引先'

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pronunciation: torihiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: transaction, business, trade, dealing
取引する: torihikisuru: trade (v.), deal
取引を結ぶ: torihikiomusubu: contract (v.), strike a bargain, settle a transaction <<<
取引を纏める: torihikiomatomeru <<<
取引が有る: torihikigaaru: have business relations <<<
取引を止める: torihikioyameru: break off one's business connection, close an account <<<
取引を続ける: torihikiotsuZukeru: keep an account, maintain business relations [relationships] <<<
取引先: torihikisaki: business connection, customer <<<
取引高: torihikidaka: turnover <<<
取引所: torihikisho: exchange (market) <<<
取引法: torihikihou: Stock Exchange Act <<<
取引関係: torihikikankei: business connection <<< 関係
取引銀行: torihikiginkou: one's bank, correspondent bank <<< 銀行
闇取引: yamitorihiki: traffic, black marketing <<<
株式取引: kabushikitorihiki: stock exchange, stock-broking <<< 株式
店頭取引: tentoutorihiki: over-the-counter dealings <<< 店頭
手形取引: tegatatorihiki: bill transaction <<< 手形
麻薬取引: mayakutorihiki: drug traffic <<< 麻薬
暴利取引: bouritorihiki: usurious trade <<< 暴利
為替取引: kawasetorihiki: exchange dealing <<< 為替
小切手取引: kogittetorihiki: check transactions <<< 小切手
公正取引: kouseitorihiki: fair trade <<< 公正
一括取引: ikkatsutorihiki: package dealing <<< 一括
現物取引: genbutsutorihiki: spot trading [transaction] <<< 現物
先物取引: sakimonotorihiki: futures, forward bargain <<< 先物
短期取引: tankitorihiki: short-term transaction <<< 短期
穀物取引: kokumotsutorihiki: cereal trade <<< 穀物
現金取引: genkintorihiki: cash transactions <<< 現金
市場取引: shijoutorihiki: market transactions <<< 市場
実物取引: jitsubutsutorihiki: spot transaction <<< 実物
清算取引: seisantorihiki: clearing contract <<< 清算
長期取引: choukitorihiki: long-term transaction <<< 長期
証券取引: shoukentorihiki: dealing in stocks, stock-broking <<< 証券
裁定取引: saiteitorihiki: arbitrage <<< 裁定
銀行取引: ginkoutorihiki: bank transaction <<< 銀行
マージン取引: maajintorihiki: margin trading <<< マージン
スワップ取引: suwapputorihiki: swap transaction <<< スワップ
オプション取引: opushontorihiki: option trade [trading, transaction] <<< オプション
レポ取引: repotorihiki: repurchase agreement <<< レポ

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