Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: fest
Number of strokes: 13
translation: heap up (org.), organize (meeting etc.), urge, invite
催す: moyoosu: organize, celebrate, hold, feel
催: moyoosareru: be organized [held], take place
催: moyooshi: meeting, social gathering, ceremony, entertainment, party, show
催す: unagasu: urge, invite, incite <<<
Kanji words: 主催 , 催眠 , 開催 , 催促
Expressions: 興を催す , 集まりを催す , 宴会を催す , 嘔吐を催す , 嘔吐を催させる , 祝宴を催す , 忘年会を催す , 茶会を催す , 吐気を催す , 小宴を催す

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