Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: show
Number of strokes: 13
translation: curtain, hangings, cover
baku, maku
幕: maku: curtain, hangings, act (of theater, jp.)
幕う: oou: cover (v.)
幕が開く: makugaaku: The curtain rises [is raised] <<<
幕が上がる: makugaagaru <<<
幕を張る: makuoharu: stretch a curtain <<<
幕を開ける: makuoakeru: raise [draw] a curtain <<< , 開幕
幕を上げる: makuoageru <<<
幕を下す: makuoorosu: drop a curtain <<<
幕を閉じる: makuotojiru <<<
幕を引く: makuohiku: pull [draw] aside a curtain <<<
幕に成る: makuninaru: end, close <<<
幕が下りる: makugaoriru <<<
Kanji words: 煙幕 , 開幕 , 幕間 , 終幕 , 字幕 , 幕僚
Expressions: 紅白の幕 , 横断幕 , 映写幕
synonyms: カーテン

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