Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: doubtful, dubious, suspicious, questionable, uncertain, shady
kai, ke
怪しい: ayashii: doubtful, dubious, suspicious, questionable, uncertain, shady, incredible, strange, queer, mysterious, uncanny, poor, awkward, murky
怪しい男: ayashiiotoko: suspicious-looking man <<<
怪しい手つきで: ayashiitetsukide: with clumsy hands <<<
怪しげな: ayashigena: questionable, broken, suspicious, suspicious-looking
怪しむ: ayashimu: doubt, suspect, wonder at [if, whether]
怪り: tatari: curse (n., jp.), evil spell <<<
Kanji words: 奇怪 , 怪物 , 怪奇 , 怪獣 , 怪盗 , 怪力 , 怪我 , 妖怪
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