Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 14
translation: aspect, state, condition, circumstances
態: sama: condition, state
態: yousu: condition, circumstances, state, phase, aspect <<< 様子
態: sugata: form, figure, shape, pose, aspect <<< 姿
態と: wazato: intentionally (jp.), purposely, on purpose, deliberately, knowingly
態とらしい: wazatorashii: unnatural, artificial, affected, studied, theatrical
Kanji words: 態勢 , 態々 , 変態 , 動態 , 形態 , 状態 , 事態 , 態度 , 容態 , 常態
Expressions: 能動態 , 異形態 , 現状態 , 受動態

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