Japanese display

category: JIS1
keyword: hygiene
Number of strokes: 9
translation: wipe, mop, scrap away [off], clean
shoku, shiki
拭く: huku: wipe, mop
拭き取る: hukitoru: wipe off [out, away], rub off, mop (up) <<<
拭う: nuguu: wipe, mop, scrap away [off]
拭い落とす: nuguiotosu: wipe off [out], remove <<<
Kanji words: 手拭 , 手拭き , 払拭
Expressions: 汗を拭く , 尻を拭う , 涙を拭く , 黒板を拭く , 黒板拭き , 手拭で拭く , 布巾で拭く , スポンジで拭く , コップ拭き , タオルで拭う

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