Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: furniture
Number of strokes: 12
translation: shelf
棚: tana: shelf, rack, cupboard, trellis, ledge, hob
棚に上げる: tananiageru: put (a thing) on a shelf <<<
棚に載せる: tananinoseru <<<
棚上げする: tanaagesuru: shelve [table] (a bill), pigeonhole, suspend <<<
棚引く: tanabiku: trail, hang [lie] over <<<
Kanji words: 戸棚 , 神棚 , 本棚 , 棚卸
Expressions: 整理棚 , 移動棚 , 大陸棚 , 棚から牡丹餅 , 陳列棚 , 食器棚

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