Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 5
translation: ice
氷: koori: ice (n.)
氷: hi
氷の塊: koorinokatamari: cake [block, check] of ice <<<
氷の様な: koorinoyouna: icy, ice-cold <<<
氷の様な心: koorinoyounakokoro: icy heart
氷が張る: koorigaharu: freeze <<<
氷の張った: koorinohatta: ice-covered <<<
氷に成った: koorininatta: frozen <<<
氷で冷す: kooridehiyasu: ice (v.), cool with ice <<<
氷で冷した: kooridehiyashita: iced <<<
氷が溶ける: koorigatokeru: The ice melts <<<
Kanji words: 流氷 , 氷柱 , 雨氷 , 欠氷 , 氷河 , 氷山 , 薄氷
Expressions: 氷砂糖 , 氷の微笑
synonyms: アイス
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