Japanese display

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 17
translation: wet, damp, soak, drench
ju, nyu
濡れる: nureru: get [be] wet, be damp, be soaked [drenched]
濡らす: nurasu: wet (v.), moisten, soak, dip
濡れた: nureta: wet (a.), moist, damp
濡う: uruou: be moistened, get wet <<<
濡す: uruosu: moisten, wet, enrich, make rich, benefit <<<
濡い: uruoi: moisture, dampness
Kanji words: 濡衣
Expressions: 袖を濡らす , 雨に濡れる , 朝露に濡れた , 濡れ布巾

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