Japanese display

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 9
translation: narrow, strait, limited, restricted, confined, poky
狭い: semai: narrow, strait, limited, restricted, confined, poky, small, cramped
狭き門: semakimon: strait gate, numerus clausus <<<
狭める: sebameru: narrow (vt.), reduce (width), limit
狭まる: sebamaru: become narrow
狭: sa: a Japanese prefix
Kanji words: 狭軌
Expressions: 幅の狭い , 心の狭い , 視野が狭い , 範囲が狭い , 狭い胸囲 , 肩幅が狭い , 狭い意味で , 肩身が狭い , 度量の狭い

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