Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 13
translation: jump, leap, spring, skip, fly, dance
chou, tou
跳ぶ: tobu: jump, fly <<<
跳る: odoru: jump, skip, dance (v.) <<< ,
跳ねる: haneru: jump, leap, spring
跳ね上がる: haneagaru: spring [jump, leap] up, shoot up <<<
跳ね上げる: haneageru: splash [sputter] mud <<<
跳ね起きる: haneokiru: spring to one's feet, rise with a bounce, spring up from one's bed <<<
跳ね飛ばす: hanetobasu: send (a person, a thing) flying, spatter (mud), knock (a person) off <<<
跳ね除ける: hanenokeru: push [thrust, brush] aside <<<
跳ね付ける: hanetsukeru: refuse, turn down, reject <<<
跳ね回る: hanemawaru: romp [skip, jump, leap] about, gambol <<<
Kanji words: 跳躍 , 縄跳
Expressions: 飛び跳ねる , 片足で跳ぶ
synonyms: , ジャンプ

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