Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 13
translation: thunder, thunderbolt
雷: kaminari: thunder, thunderbolt, peal [roll] of thunder
雷が鳴る: kaminariganaru: It thunders, Thunder rolls [rumbles] <<<
雷に打たれる: kaminariniutareru: be struck by lightning <<<
雷が落ちる: kaminarigaochiru: The lightning strikes <<<
雷を落とす: kaminariootosu: thunder at (a person) <<<
Kanji words: 魚雷 , 雷鳴 , 落雷 , 機雷 , 雷神 , 雷雨 , 避雷針 , 地雷
related words: 稲妻

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