Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: media
Number of strokes: 12
translation: return, repay, revenge, announce (conf.)
報じる: houjiru: inform, let (a person) know, announce
報い: mukui: reward (n.), recompense, compensation, retribution <<<
報として: mukuitoshite: in retribution for
報いを受ける: mukuioukeru: pay (the penalty) for, suffer for <<<
報いる: mukuiru: reward (v.), recompense, compensate, return, repay, requite <<<
報せ: shirase: report, notice, news, tidings, amen <<<
報せる: shiraseru: inform a person, tell, let a person know, make (a matter) known, give notice, publish, declare <<<
Kanji words: 公報 , 速報 , 諜報 , 報道 , 会報 , 電報 , 報復 , 報告 , 警報 , 広報 , 朗報 , 予報 , 吉報 , 情報 , 報酬
Expressions: 労に報いる , 仇を報いる , 至急報 , 注意報

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