Japanese display

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: arm
腕: ude: arm, ability (jp.), skill
腕に抱く: udenidaku: have in one's arms <<<
腕に縋る: udenisugaru: lean on a person's arm, turn to a person for help <<<
腕に抱える: udenikakaeru: hold under one's arm <<<
腕を組む: udeokumu: fold one's arms, lock arms (with) <<<
腕を捲る: udeomakuru: roll [pull, tuck] up one's sleeves <<<
腕を捕える: udeotoraeru: catch [seize] (a person) by the arm <<<
腕を貸す: udeokasu: lend a helping hand (to) <<<
腕が鳴る: udeganaru: be itching (to do, for action) <<<
腕の有る: udenoaru: able, capable, competent, skilled, talented <<<
腕の無い: udenonai: incapable, incompetent <<<
腕を磨く: udeomigaku: improve one's skill <<<
腕を揮う: udeohuruu: use [exercise] one's skill, deploy all one's skill <<<
腕を見せる: udeomiseru: display [show] one's ability <<<
Kanji words: 腕輪 , 手腕 , 腕前 , 腕白 , 腕組
Expressions: 二の腕 , 凄い腕 , 腕時計 , 梃子の腕 , 腕相撲
synonyms: , アーム

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