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pronunciation: tema
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: time, labor, trouble, wages
手間が掛かる: temagakakaru: take time, cost much labor <<<
手間取る: temadoru: take (much) time, be long (in doing), be delayed, procastinate <<<
手間が省ける: temagahabukeru: save (a person) trouble <<<
手間を省く: temaohabuku: save time [trouble], spare oneself trouble
手間を払う: temaoharau: pay wages, pay for labor <<<
手間潰: tematsubushi: waste of labor <<<
手間賃: temachin: piecework payment <<<
手間仕事: temashigoto: piecework <<< 仕事
手間職人: temashokunin: piecework man <<< 職人
片手間: katatema: spare time, leisure hours <<<
片手間に: katatemani: in spare time, in leisure hours
片手間仕事: katatemashigoto: spare-time work, odd job <<< 仕事
related words: 労力

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