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pronunciation: gyouretsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , fest
translation: procession, parade (n.), queue (n.), matrix
行列する: gyouretsusuru: parade (v.), queue (v.)
行列を乱す: gyouretsuomidasu: obstruct a parade, disregard the queue <<<
行列式: gyouretsushiki: determinant <<<
行列計算: gyouretsukeisan: matrix calculus <<< 計算
車の行列: kurumanogyouretsu: motorcade, line [queue] of cars <<< , 車列
旗行列: hatagyouretsu: flag procession <<<
単位行列: tannigyouretsu: unit matrix <<< 単位
仮装行列: kasougyouretsu: costume parade <<< 仮装
大名行列: daimyougyouretsu: procession of feudal lord <<< 大名
松明行列: taimatsugyouretsu: torchlight procession <<< 松明
提灯行列: chouchingyouretsu: lantern procession <<< 提灯
騎馬行列: kibagyouretsu: cavalcade <<< 騎馬
related words: パレード

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