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pronunciation: chochiku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bank
translation: savings
貯蓄する: chochikusuru: save, store up, lay up
貯蓄心: chochikushin: thrift <<<
貯蓄心の有る: chochikushinnnoaru: thrifty, provident <<<
貯蓄心の無い: chochikushinnnonai: unthrifty, improvident <<<
貯蓄家: chochikuka: saver <<<
貯蓄運動: chochikuundou: savings campaign <<< 運動
貯蓄銀行: chochikuginkou: savings bank <<< 銀行
貯蓄債権: chochikusaiken: savings bond <<< 債権
related words: 貯金

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