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pronunciation: sentaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , hygiene
translation: wash, washing, laundry
洗濯する: sentakusuru: wash (v.), launder
洗濯が効く: sentakugakiku: stand (bear) washing, be washable <<<
洗濯機: sentakki: washing machine, washer <<<
洗濯屋: sentakuya: laundry, laundryman, laundress <<<
洗濯板: sentakuita: washboard <<<
洗濯籠: sentakukago: laundry basket, linen basket <<<
洗濯鋏: sentakubasami: clothespin, peg <<<
洗濯代: sentakudai: laundry charge <<<
洗濯物: sentakumono: the laundry <<<
洗濯石鹸: sentakusekken: washing soap <<< 石鹸
related words: クリーニング

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