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category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: man, masculine, male
dan, nan
男: otoko: man, male (n.), lover
男の: otokono: man's, masculine, male (a.)
男の人: otokonohito: man, male <<< , 男性
男の子: otokonoko: boy, baby boy, son <<< , 男子
男らしい: otokorashii: manly, manlike, manful
男らしさ: otokorashisa: manliness
男を上げる: otokooageru: raise one's reputation <<<
男を下げる: otokoosageru: lower one's reputation <<<
男が廃る: otokogasutaru: lose one's honor <<<
男が立たない: otokogatatanai <<<
男を拵える: otokookoshiraeru: have a lover, carry on with a man <<<
男と女: otokotoonnna: man and woman <<<
男の様な女: otokonoyounaonnna: mannish woman
男: o: pers.
Kanji words: 男爵 , 雪男 , 狼男 , 長男 , 男性 , 男根 , 男子 , 男女 , 男前 , 美男 , 下男 , 色男 , 男娼 , 次男 , 男優 , 男装
Expressions: 良い男 , 怪しい男 , 海の男 , 男便所 , 名物男 , 随分な男だ , 好色男 , 男生徒 , 男同士 , 伊達男 , 怪力の男 , 中年男 , 第三の男 , 男友達 , ハンサムな男
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , car
Number of strokes: 7
translation: run, dash, sail, scud
sou, su
走る: hashiru: run (v.), dash, sail, scud
走らす: hashirasu: make [let] run, drive, gallop, send, dispatch, rout, write (hurriedly)
走り: hashiri: the first of the season, the first supply
走り読みする: hashiriyomisuru: read hastily [cursorily], skim (through) <<<
走り下りる: hashirioriru: run down <<<
走り込む: hashirikomu: run in [into] <<<
走り寄る: hashiriyoru: run up to <<<
走り出る: hashirideru: run out <<<
走り出す: hashiridasu: start running, break into a run <<<
走り回る: hashirimawaru: run about [round] <<<
走り去る: hashirisaru: run off [away] <<<
走り通す: hashiritoosu: run all the way <<<
走って来る: hashittekuru: come running <<<
走: meshitsukai: servant
Kanji words: 完走 , 逃走 , 脱走 , 御馳走 , 走行 , 滑走 , 暴走 , 逆走 , 競走 , 代走 , 師走 , 自走 , 走者
Expressions: 突っ走る , 馬を走らす , 先走る , 感情に走る , 稲妻が走る , 閃光が走る
related words: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 7
translation: younger brother, little brother
tei, dai, de
弟: otouto
弟: to: one of elements forming a pair in jikkan (jp.) <<< 十干
Kanji words: 師弟 , 弟子 , 義弟 , 兄弟 , 舎弟

category: to learn in school
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 7
translation: sell, sale
bai, mai
売る: uru: sell, offer (a thing) for sale, deal in (goods), dispose of
売: uri: selling, sale
売に出す: urinidasu: offer (a thing) for sale, place [put] (a thing) on sale [on the market] <<<
売に出る: urinideru: come up for sale <<<
売り歩く: uriaruku: peddle, hawk <<<
売り急ぐ: uriisogu: be anxious [in a hurry] to sell, push the sale (of) <<<
売り惜しむ: urioshimu: hold back [over] from selling <<<
売り控える: urihikaeru <<<
売り崩す: urikuzusu: bear the market <<<
売り付ける: uritsukeru: sell, force (a thing) upon (a person) <<<
売り飛ばす: uritobasu: sell off, dispose of <<<
売り払う: uriharau: sell off, dispose of. part with <<<
売り広める: urihiromeru: extend the market [sale] (of), find a (new) market (for) <<<
売り込む: urikomu <<<
売り叩く: uritataku: beat down prices <<<
売り渡す: uriwatasu: sell (over) to, deliver, negotiate <<<
Kanji words: 押売 , 売切れ , 空売 , 売春 , 売店 , 発売 , 売女 , 売掛 , 転売 , 卸売 , 売上 , 即売 , 売場 , 特売 , 競売 , 売買 , 販売 , 商売 , 売却
Expressions: 身を売る , 媚を売る , 名を売る , 競りで売る , 闇で売る , 卸で売る , 枡で売る , 油を売る , 高く売る , 節を売る , 国を売る , 株を売る , 安く売る , 売り相場 , 愛嬌を売る , 廉価で売る , 土地を売る , 利食い売り , 利食い売りする , 失望売り , 原価で売る , 切符売り , 特価で売る , 牡蠣売り , 売り注文 , 喧嘩を売る , 薄利で売る , セットで売る

category: to learn in school
keyword: food , bird
Number of strokes: 7
translation: egg, spawn, roe
ran, kon
卵: tamago: egg, spawn (n.), roe
卵の殻: tamagonokara: eggshell <<<
卵を産む: tamagooumu: lay an egg, spawn (v.) <<<
卵を抱く: tamagoodaku: sit on eggs, brood <<<
卵を焼く: tamagooyaku: fry a egg <<<
卵を割る: tamagoowaru: break [open] an egg <<<
卵を孵す: tamagookaesu: hatch an egg
Kanji words: 排卵 , 卵巣 , 産卵 , 卵黄
Expressions: 乾燥卵 , 受精卵 , スターの卵
synonyms: 玉子

category: to learn in school
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 7
translation: near, close, immediate, proximate, kin, familiar, approach
kin, kon, gon
近い: chikai: near, close, immediate, kin
近い内に: chikaiuchini: before long, shortly, one of these days, in the near [immediate] future <<<
近く: chikaku: closely, nearby, close by, soon, shortly
近付く: chikaZuku: come [draw, get] near, approach <<<
近寄る: chikayoru <<<
近付ける: chikaZukeru: allow (a person) to approach [come near], bring (a thing) close (to) <<<
近寄せる: chikayoseru <<<
近くの家: chikakunoie: nearby [neighboring] home <<<
近くに: chikakuni: near, close to, in the neighborhood
近くに住む: chikakunisumu: live close by [within a short distance] <<<
近くで見る: chikakudemiru: see close at hand <<<
Kanji words: 最近 , 近日 , 近衛 , 近江 , 接近 , 側近 , 近代 , 近東 , 真近 , 近親 , 身近 , 付近 , 近年 , 近況 , 近辺 , 近視 , 近所 , 近海 , 近郊 , 親近 , 近隣 , 近頃
Expressions: 直ぐ近くの , 終りに近づく , 暁近く , 縁が近い , 臨月に近い , 近い将来に , 竣工が近い , 近距離 , 小便が近い , 近い親類

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: me, I, oneself, my, mine
我: ga: self, ego, egoism
我の強い: ganotsuyoi: self-willed, obstinate, headstrong <<<
我を通す: gaotoosu: carry one's will through, have one's own way, hunker <<<
我を折る: gaooru: yield (to), give in, bend to (another will) <<<
我: ware: me, I, oneself
我が: waga: my, mine
我に返る: warenikaeru: come to oneself <<<
我を忘れる: wareowasureru: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
我を忘れて: wareowasurete: in spite of oneself, involuntarily <<<
Kanji words: 我慢 , 我家 , 我楽多 , 我等 , 我々 , 怪我 , 我流 , 我身 , 我儘
Expressions: 我闘争
synonyms: , ,

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 7
translation: refuse, negation
否: ina: not
否む: kobamu: refuse <<<
否ず: arazu: not
否や: inaya: immediately (jp.), at once
否めない: inamenai: It cannot be denied that
Kanji words: 否決 , 安否 , 否認 , 否定 , 拒否

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 7
translation: effort, labor, work, pains
労する: rousuru: make an effort, take pains
労せずに: rousezuni: without difficulty, very easily
労を取る: rouotoru: take the trouble to do [of doing] <<<
労れる: tsukareru: get tired <<<
労る: itawaru: take care of
労う: negirau: thank a person for his trouble [service]
労を謝する: rouoshasuru <<<
労を労う: roonegirau
労に報いる: rounimukuiru: reward [remunerate] (a person) for his service [labor] <<<
労を厭わない: rouoitowanai: spare no pains [trouble], do not spare oneself [one's pains] <<<
労を惜しまない: rouooshimanai <<<
労を省く: rouohabuku: save (one) trouble <<<
労を惜しむ: rouooshimu <<<
Kanji words: 労働 , 労災 , 労力 , 疲労 , 勤労 , 苦労 , 不労

category: to learn in school
keyword: unit
Number of strokes: 7
translation: bundle, bunch, batch
soku, shoku
soku: ten bundles (jp.)
束: taba: bundle, bunch, batch
束にする: tabanisuru: make (things) up into a bundle, sheave
束ねる: tabaneru
束: tsuka: unit of length (jp.)
束の間に: tsukanomani: in a moment [minute] <<<
束の間の: tsukanomano: momentary, passing, brief <<<
Kanji words: 結束 , 不束 , 収束 , 花束 , 束子 , 約束 , 拘束 , 束縛

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