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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34
Direct access: 刺客 , 識者 , 支持 , 使節 , 思想 , 質疑 , 質問 , 指導 , 指名 , 集計


pronunciation: shikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , politics
translation: stabber, assassin
related words: 暗殺


pronunciation: shikisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: well-informed people, men of intelligence, thoughtful [thinking] men


pronunciation: shiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: support (n.), back (n.), advocacy, adherence
支持する: shijisuru: support (v.), back (v.), advocate, adhere, approve, uphold
支持を得る: shijioeru: be supported by, have [get] the support [backing] of <<<
支持を受ける: shijioukeru <<<
支持者: shijisha: supporter, backer, proponent <<< , サポーター
支持率: shijiritsu: approval rate <<<
強力な支持: kyouryokunashiji: powerful support <<< 強力


pronunciation: shisetsu
kanji characters: 使 ,
keyword: politics
translation: envoy, mission
使節団: shisetsudan: mission <<<
使節として行く: shisetsutoshiteiku: go on a mission <<<
外交使節: gaikoushisetsu: diplomatic mission <<< 外交
親善使節: shinzenshisetsu: goodwill envoi <<< 親善


pronunciation: shisou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , philosophy
translation: thought, thinking, idea, ideology
思想家: shisouka: philosopher, thinker <<<
思想犯: shisouhan: political offender <<<
思想界: shisoukai: realm of thought <<<
思想力: shisouryoku: contemplative faculty <<<
思想問題: shisoumondai: thought problem <<< 問題
思想運動: shisouundou: thought movement <<< 運動
思想統制: shisoutousei: thought control
旧思想: kyuushisou: old thought, archaic conception <<<
反動思想: handoushisou: reactionary idea <<< 反動
革命思想: kakumeishisou: revolutionary idea <<< 革命
過激思想: kagekishisou: radical [revolutionary] idea <<< 過激
封建思想: houkenshisou: feudalistic idea <<< 封建
啓蒙思想: keimoushisou: Enlightenment philosophy <<< 啓蒙
外来思想: gairaishisou: alien idea <<< 外来
近代思想: kindaishisou: modern thought <<< 近代
現代思想: gendaishisou: modern ideas, contemporary thought <<< 現代
危険思想: kikenshisou: dangerous thoughts <<< 危険
大陸思想: tairikushisou: continentalism <<< 大陸
東洋思想: touyoushisou: Orientalism <<< 東洋
西洋思想: seiyoushisou: western ideology <<< 西洋
時代思想: jidaishisou: spirit [current thought] of the times <<< 時代
related words: イデオロギー


pronunciation: shitsugi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: question, interrogation, interpellation
質疑応答: shitsugioutou: questions and answers <<< 応答


pronunciation: shitsumon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: question (n.), inquiry
質問する: shitsumonsuru: question (v.), query
質問を受ける: shitsumonnoukeru: be asked, be questioned <<<
質問に答える: shitsumonnnikotaeru: answer a question, give an answer to a question <<<
質問書: shitsumonsho: questionnaire <<<
質問者: shitsumonsha: questioner, interrogator <<<
質問戦: shitsumonsen: interpellation war <<<
関連質問: kanrenshitsumon: interpellation on related matters <<< 関連
職務質問: shokumushitsumon: police checkup <<< 職務
職務質問される: shokumushitsumonsareru: be questioned by a policeman <<< 職務
緊急質問: kinkyuushitsumon: emergency interpellation <<< 緊急


pronunciation: shidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: guidance, leadership, leading
指導する: shidousuru: direct, lead, coach (v.), guide (v.)
指導者: shidousha: leader, coach (n.), guide (n.), captain <<<
指導員: shidouin: instructor, coach <<<
指導力: shidouryoku: leadership ability <<<
指導原理: shidougenri: guiding principle <<< 原理
指導方針: shidouhoushin <<< 方針
行政指導: gyouseishidou: administrative guidance <<< 行政
学習指導: gakushuushidou: study guidance <<< 学習
職業指導: shokugyoushidou: vocational training <<< 職業
保健指導: hokenshidou: hygienic guidance <<< 保健
related words: リード , リーダー


pronunciation: shimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , sport
translation: designation, appointment, nomination
指名する: shimeisuru: designate, appoint, nominate
指名順に: shimeijunnni: in the order of the persons called (mentioned) <<<
指名権: shimeiken: power of appointment <<<
指名入札: shimeinyuusatsu: tender by specified bidders, private tender <<< 入札
指名手配: shimeitehai: wanted (criminal) <<< 手配
指名打者: shimeidasha: designated hitter (in baseball), DH <<< 打者


pronunciation: shuukei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: tally (n.)
集計する: shuukeisuru: tally (v.), make up
集計係: shuukeigakari: tallyman <<<
related words: 合計

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