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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: split, tear, rend
裂く: saku: split (vt.), tear, rend
裂ける: sakeru: split (vi.), be torn
裂: kire: piece of cloth
Kanji words: 破裂 , 支離滅裂 , 亀裂 , 分裂
Expressions: 仲を裂く , 引き裂く , 張り裂ける

category: common usage
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: burn, scorch
焦げる: kogeru: burn (vi.), scorch
焦がす: kogasu: burn (vt.), scorch
焦げ付く: kogetsuku: get burned [scorched], be unrecoverable <<<
焦がれる: kogareru: pine from, pine for (jp.)
焦る: aseru: be impatient (jp.)
焦す: jirasu: irritate, fret, make (a person) feel impatient, keep (a person) in suspense, tantalize, tease
焦れる: jireru: fret (about), be irritated (at), become impatient
Kanji words: 焦点 , 焦燥
Expressions: 待ち焦がれる , 思い焦がれる , 焦げ茶色 , 焦げ茶色の

category: common usage
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 12
translation: eat, drink, swallow (v.), take
喫する: kissuru: suffer (a defeat)
喫う: kuu: eat, taste, take (a food) <<<
喫む: nomu: drink, take a drink, swallow, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette) <<<
Kanji words: 喫煙 , 喫水 , 喫茶 , 満喫
Expressions: 敗北を喫する , 惨敗を喫する

category: common usage
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 12
translation: enclosure, zone (ext.), area, sphere, domain
圏: kakoi: enclosure, fence (n.) <<<
圏: ori: cage, pen, corral, fold, sty, cell, jail, prison <<<
Kanji words: 語圏
Expressions: 首都圏 , 大気圏 , 南極圏 , 台風圏 , 対流圏 , 引力圏 , 岩石圏 , 暴風圏 , 北極圏 , イオン圏 , ユーロ圏

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: hard, solid, robust
堅い: katai
Kanji words: 堅調
Expressions: 口の堅い , 手堅い , 義理堅い , 信念が堅い , 堅い信念を抱く
synonyms: ,

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 12
translation: bury
葬る: houmuru
Kanji words: 火葬 , 葬式 , 葬儀 , 埋葬
Expressions: 闇に葬る

category: common usage
keyword: unit
Number of strokes: 12
translation: search, seek, question, interrogate, inquire
尋: hiro: unit of length (ca. 1.82 m in Japan)
尋ねる: tazuneru: look [hunt] for, search [seek] (for), question (v.), interrogate, inquire
尋ねて: tazunete: in search for
尋で: tsuide: short after
尋ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed, inherit <<<
尋: tsune: usual, ordinary, habitual <<<
Kanji words: 千尋 , 尋問 , 尋常
Expressions: 訳を尋ねる , 消息を尋ねる , 安否を尋ねる , 起源を尋ねる , 時間を尋ねる

category: common usage
keyword: construction
Number of strokes: 12
translation: stop (org.), dike
堤: tsutsumi: dike
Kanji words: 堤防 , 防波堤

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: change, exchange, substitute, replace
換える: kaeru: change (vt.), exchange <<< ,
換わる: kawaru: substitute, replace <<< ,
Kanji words: 乗換 , 換金 , 換気 , 物々交換 , 換言 , 引換 , 交換 , 転換
Expressions: 言い換える

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 12
translation: raise, lift, elevate, hold up, hoist, increase
揚げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, increase <<< ,
揚がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<< ,
揚: age: fry (suff., jp.) <<< フライ
Kanji words: 水揚 , 空揚 , 揚羽 , 高揚 , 揚足 , 揚陸艦
Expressions: 名を揚げる , 凧を揚げる , 錨を揚げる , 油で揚げる , 国旗を揚げる , 精進揚 , 意気揚々 , 意気揚々と , 薩摩揚げ , 実例を揚げる , スローガンを揚げる

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