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Direct access: 切断 , 穿刺 , 蘇生 , 退院 , 体温 , 体外 , 胎児 , 体重 , 対人 , 担架


pronunciation: setsudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , tool
translation: cutting off, trimming, amputation
切断する: setsudansuru: cut off, sever, amputate
二つに切断する: hutatsunisetsudansuru: cut (a thing) in two <<<
切断機: setsudanki: cutting machine <<<
切断面: setsudanmen: cut surface [face], section <<<


pronunciation: senshi
kanji characters: 穿 ,
keyword: medicine
translation: puncture, paracentesis


pronunciation: sosei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 甦生
keyword: medicine
translation: revival, resurrection, reanimation
蘇生する: soseisuru: revive (vi.), come to (oneself, life again), resuscitate
蘇生させる: soseisaseru: bring (back) to life [consciousness], revive (vt.), resuscitate, reanimate
蘇生術: soseijutsu: resuscitation <<<
related words: 復活


pronunciation: taiin
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: medicine
translation: discharge from hospital
退院する: taiinsuru: leave hospital
退院して居る: taiinshiteiru: be out of hospital <<<
related words: 入院


pronunciation: taion
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: body temperature
体温を計る: taionnohakaru: take one's temperature <<<
体温が高い: taiongatakai: have a high temperature <<<
体温が低い: taiongahikui: have a low temperature <<<
体温が上がる: taiongaagaru: one's temperature rises <<<
体温が下がる: taiongasagaru: one's temperature falls <<<
体温計: taionkei: (clinical) thermometer <<<


pronunciation: taigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: outside of body
体外の: taigaino: extrasomatic, in vitro
体外受精: taigaijusei: external [in vitro] fertilization <<< 受精
体外受精児: taigaijuseiji: test-tube baby, externally conceived baby <<<


pronunciation: taiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: embryo, fetus


pronunciation: taijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: (body) weight
体重が増す: taijuugamasu: gain (put on) weight <<<
体重が減る: taijuugaheru: lose weight <<<
体重を量る: taijuuohakaru: weigh oneself <<<
体重計: taijuukei: bathroom scales <<<
related words: 身長


pronunciation: taijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , medicine
translation: personal
対人関係: taijinkankei: personal relation <<< 関係
対人地雷: taijinjirai: antipersonnel mine <<< 地雷
対人恐怖: taijinkyouhu: anthropophobia <<< 恐怖
対人恐怖症: taijinkyouhushou <<<


pronunciation: tanka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: stretcher, litter
担架で運ぶ: tankadehakobu: carry (a person) on a stretcher <<<

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