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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: hate, detest, dislike, doubt
ken, gen
嫌う: kirau: hate, detest, dislike
嫌い: kirai: dislike (of, for), distaste (for), abhorrence, aversion (to, for), antipathy (to), hatred, touch, tinge
嫌いな: kiraina: disagreeable, disgusting, hateful
嫌: iya: refusal
嫌な: iyana, yana: disagreeable, hateful, unwilling, reluctant
嫌な臭: iyananioi, yananioi: nasty [offensive] smell <<< , 悪臭
嫌な奴: iyanayatsu, yanayatsu: odious [disgusting] fellow, cunt <<<
嫌な顔をする: iyanakaoosuru, yanakaoosuru: make a (wry) face, look displeased <<<
嫌に: iyani, yani: strangely, awfully, terribly, provokingly
嫌に成る: iyaninaru, yaninaru: get tired [sick] of, grow weary of, become disgusted (with) <<<
嫌がる: iyagaru, yagaru: dislike, hate, be unwilling [reluctant] (to do)
嫌がらせ: iyagarase: offense, disagreeable [spiteful] thing
嫌がらせを言う: iyagaraseoiu: say a disagreeable [spiteful] thing (to) <<<
嫌う: utagau: doubt, have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of) <<<
Kanji words: 嫌味 , 嫌気 , 機嫌
Expressions: 所嫌わず , 負けず嫌い , 外人嫌い , 人間嫌い , 貴方嫌い , 信心嫌い

category: common usage
keyword: beauty
Number of strokes: 13
translation: elegant, grace
雅やかな: miyabiyakana: elegant, graceful <<< 上品 , スマート
雅に: tsuneni: always <<<
Kanji words: 雅楽 , 優雅

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 13
translation: prisoner, captive, slave
ryo, ro
虜: toriko: prisoner, captive, slave
虜に成る: torikoninaru: be taken prisoner, be enslaved, fall a prey (to) <<<
虜にする: torikonisuru: capture, take (a person) prisoner, enslave, captivate
Expressions: 情欲の虜

category: common usage
other spells: 0
keyword: number
Number of strokes: 13
translation: (fine) rain, fraction (small quantity), zero
零: rei: zero
零ちる: ochiru: drop (vi.), fall, come [go] down <<<
零る: huru: rain (v.) <<<
零り: amari: surplus, fraction <<<
零す: kobosu: spill, shed, drop, grumble (at, about), complain of, murmur (at, about) <<<
Kanji words: 零点 , 零下
Expressions: 愚痴を零す
synonyms: ゼロ

category: common usage
keyword: buddhism
Number of strokes: 13
translation: (Buddhist) priest, monk
sou, zou
僧: bouzu <<< 坊主
Kanji words: 小僧 , 僧侶 , 尼僧
Expressions: 修行僧 , 行脚僧 , 修道僧 , 堕落僧

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 13
translation: waist, hip
腰: koshi: waist, courage (jp.), consistence
腰の曲がった: koshinomagatta: hunched <<<
腰を曲げる: koshiomageru: stoop <<<
腰を屈める: koshiokagameru <<<
腰に差す: koshinisasu: wear (a sword) at one's side <<<
腰を掛ける: koshiokakeru: sit down, seat oneself, take a seat <<< , 腰掛
腰を下げる: koshiosageru <<<
腰を上げる: koshioageru: stand up, get up <<<
腰を伸ばす: koshionobasu: stretch [straighten] oneself <<<
腰を抜かす: koshionukasu: be petrified (with terror), get scared to death, lose one's legs <<<
腰が重い: koshigaomoi: be slow in starting work <<<
腰の強い: koshinotsuyoi: strong kneed, resolute <<<
腰の弱い: koshinoyowai: weak kneed, irresolute <<<
腰の低い: koshinohikui: modest, humble, courteous <<<
腰を据える: koshiosueru: settle down (in a place, to one's work), steady oneself <<<
腰の据わらない: koshinosuwaranai: wavering, vacillating <<<
Kanji words: 腰掛 , 足腰 , 腰痛
Expressions: 喧嘩腰の
synonyms: ウエスト , ヒップ

category: common usage
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 13
translation: wound, injury, hurt, cut, crack, flaw, speck, bruise, fault, defect, blemish, stain, lose (war, match)
傷: kizu: wound (n.), injury, hurt, cut, crack, flaw, speck, bruise, fault, defect, blemish, stain
傷く: kizutsuku: be wounded [injured]
傷を負う: kizuoou <<<
傷を負った: kizuootta: wounded, injured <<<
傷を負わせる: kizuoowaseru: wound (vt.), inflict a wound (on) <<<
傷を受ける: kizuoukeru: be [get] wounded [injured] <<<
傷の無い: kizunonai: flawless, perfect <<<
傷の有る: kizunoaru: defective, imperfect <<<
傷を付ける: kizuotsukeru: mar (vt.), ruin, spoil, maim <<<
傷が付く: kiZugatsuku: be injured, get hurt <<<
傷む: itamu: feel a pain, pain (vi.) <<<
傷れる: yabureru: lose (war, match) <<<
Kanji words: 外傷 , 傷薬 , 負傷 , 火傷 , 傷跡 , 傷口 , 無傷 , 凍傷 , 咬み傷 , 損傷 , 重傷
Expressions: 誇りを傷つける , 致命傷 , 打撲傷 , 信用を傷つける , 鉄砲傷 , プライドを傷つける
synonyms: , 怪我
related words: 欠点

category: common usage
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 13
translation: succeed, inherit
継ぐ: tsugu: succeed (a person), come after (a person), inherit <<<
継ぎ足す: tsugitasu: add (to), piece out (with), splice <<<
継: tsune, tsugu, tsugi, hide: pers.
Kanji words: 継続 , 継母 , 継承 , 世継 , 中継
Expressions: 跡を継ぐ , 受け継ぐ , 遺産を継ぐ , 家業を継ぐ , 財産を継ぐ , 商売を継ぐ , 跡目を継ぐ

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 13
translation: bowl
碗: kobachi
Kanji words: 茶碗
related words: , ボール

category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 13
translation: camphor tree
楠: kusu
楠: kusunoki
Kanji words: 石楠花

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