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Direct access: 主流 , 召還 , 少数 , 承認 , 書記 , 所見 , 審議 , 審査 , 親善 , 次官


pronunciation: shuryuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: main current, mainstream
主流派: shuryuuha: leading [mainstream] faction <<<
related words: 本流


pronunciation: shoukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: recall (n.)
召還する: shoukansuru: recall (v.)


pronunciation: shousuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: small number, a few, a blip, minority
少数の: shousuuno: few (a.), minor, minority
少数党: shousuutou: minority party <<<
少数派: shousuuha: minority <<<
少数意見: shousuuiken: opinion of the minority <<< 意見
少数内閣: shousuunaikaku: minority government <<< 内閣
少数民族: shousuuminzoku: minority race <<< 民族
少数民族問題: shousuuminzokumondai: minority problem <<< 問題
antonyms: 多数


pronunciation: shounin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: acknowledge, recognition
承認する: shouninsuru: admit, agree, recognize
承認を得る: shouninnoeru: obtain approval <<<
承認を求める: shouninnomotomeru: ask approval <<<
承認書: shouninsho: written acknowledgment <<<
限定承認: genteishounin: acceptance in profit of inventory <<< 限定
辞職を承認する: jishokuoshouninsuru: accept a person's resignation <<< 辞職
related words: 了承


pronunciation: shoki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: clerk, scribe, secretary
書記局: shokikyoku: secretariat <<<
書記官: shokikan: secretary <<<
書記長: shokichou: secretary general <<<
総書記: soushoki <<<
党書記: toushoki: party secretary <<<
裁判所書記: saibanshoshoki: court clerk <<< 裁判所


pronunciation: shoken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: one's view [opinion], one's impressions (of)
所見を述べる: shokennonoberu: give one's view (on a subject) <<<


pronunciation: shingi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: consideration, discussion, investigation
審議する: shingisuru: consider, discuss, investigate, examine, inquire into
審議中: shingichuu: (be) under consideration [on the carpet] <<<
審議会: shingikai: deliberative council, inquiry commission <<<
予算審議: yosanshingi: budget deliberation <<< 予算
synonyms: 議論
related words: 調査


pronunciation: shinsa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: judgment, audit (n.), examination, vetting
審査する: shinsasuru: examine, judge (v.), audit (v.), vet
審査員: shinsain: judge, examiner <<<
審査委員: shinsaiin <<< 委員
審査委員会: shinsaiinkai: inquiry counsel <<<
審査会: shinsakai
資格審査: shikakushinsa: examination of qualification <<< 資格
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry <<< 入国
給与審査: kyuuyoshinsa: salary review <<< 給与
synonyms: 審理


pronunciation: shinzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: friendship (n.), amity, goodwill
親善の: shinzennno: friendship (a.), goodwill
親善訪問: shinzenhoumon: goodwill visit <<< 訪問
親善使節: shinzenshisetsu: goodwill envoi <<< 使節
親善飛行: shinzenhikou: goodwill [friendship] flight <<< 飛行
synonyms: 友好


pronunciation: jikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: vice-minister, under-secretary, assistant secretary
次官補: jikanho: deputy assistant secretary <<<
外務次官: gaimujikan: Vice-Minister for foreign affairs <<< 外務

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