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category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 8
translation: abduct, kidnap, swindle
拐る: kataru: abduct, kidnap, swindle
Kanji words: 誘拐

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: lean, depend, rely, be based [founded]
kyo, ko
拠る: yoru: be based [founded] on [upon], depend [rely] on, be due [owing] to, be caused by, use
拠: yoridokoro: ground, source, authority
Kanji words: 拠点 , 根拠 , 占拠 , 証拠
Expressions: 恒例に拠り , 場合に拠っては , 場合に拠り , 場合に拠る , 事情に拠っては

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 8
translation: limbs, paw
肢: teashi: limbs, hand and foot, hands and feet <<< 手足

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: bubble, foam, froth, lather
泡: awa, abuku: bubble (n.), foam, froth, lather
泡を吹く: awaohuku: foam (v.), froth, bubble <<<
泡が立つ: awagatatsu <<<
泡の立つ: awanotatsu: foamy, frothy <<<
泡: utakata: transience
Kanji words: 発泡 , 水泡
Expressions: 石鹸泡 , 石鹸の泡

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: hang, suspend, dangle
垂れる: tareru: hang (vi.), droop, dangle, trail, give, grant, confer [bestow] (on), drip, drop, fall to drops, trickle, slouch
垂る: taru
垂らす: tarasu: hang (vt.), suspend, dangle, drop, let fall [drop], spill
垂れ: tare: seasoning soy, tare sauce, gravy
垂れ込める: tarekomeru: lie [hang] over <<<
垂れ下がる: taresagaru: hang down, dangle <<<
垂れ流す: tarenagasu: dirty one's clothes, be incontinent <<<
垂する: nannnantosuru: be going to, be about to
Kanji words: 垂直
Expressions: 舌をだらりと垂らす , 撓垂れる , 涎を垂らす , 雫が垂れる , 範を垂れる , 鼻水を垂す , 教訓を垂れる
related words:

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: complete, equal, identical, similar, an old Chinese kingdom (1046 BC- 221 BC)
sei, sai
斉う: sorou: complete, full <<<
斉しい: hitoshii: equal, identical, similar <<< ,
斉しく: hitoshiku: equally, evenly, impartially <<< ,
Kanji words: 一斉

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: press, force, urge, compel
haku, hyaku
迫る: semaru: press (a person) to do, urge (a person) to do [into doing], force [compel] (a person) to do, be imminent, be on the brink [verge] of, approach, draw near, be very near
迫り出す: seridasu: protrude, rise out of the cellar, become paunchy <<<
Kanji words: 迫撃 , 気迫 , 迫力 , 圧迫 , 強迫 , 迫害
Expressions: 差し迫る , 核心に迫る , 真近に迫る , 目前に迫る , 時刻が迫る

category: common usage
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: wicked, evil, wrong, vicious, dishonest
ja, ya
邪: yokoshima
邪な心: yokoshimanakokoro: wicked [evil] heart <<<
Kanji words: 天邪鬼 , 風邪 , 邪悪 , 邪気 , 邪魔

category: common usage
keyword: garden
Number of strokes: 8
translation: mud, mire, dirt
泥: doro: mud, mire, dirt
泥だらけの: dorodarakeno: covered with mud, muddy
泥塗れの: doromamireno <<<
泥に塗れる: doronimamireru: be covered with mud, get muddy <<<
泥塗れに成る: doromamireninaru
泥だらけに成る: dorodarakeninaru <<<
泥を吐く: doroohaku: confess one's crime, own up <<< , 白状
Kanji words: 泥濘 , 泥酔 , 泥沼 , 泥棒

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: envy, jealousy
妬む: netamu: be jealous [envious] (of a person's fame), envy (a person his good luck)
妬まれる: netamareru: become an object of jealousy
妬みを買う: netamiokau <<<
妬んで: netande: enviously, out of envy [jealousy]
妬み: netami, sonemi: envy, jealousy
妬み深い: netamibukai: jealous, envious <<<
Kanji words: 嫉妬
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