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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34
Direct access: 選挙 , 宣言 , 扇動 , 戦略 , 税金 , 絶対 , 全国 , 全体 , 総裁 , 総統


pronunciation: senkyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: election
選挙の: senkyono: electoral
選挙する: senkyosuru: vote, elect, choose
選挙に勝つ: senkyonikatsu: carry [win in] the election <<<
選挙に負ける: senkyonimakeru: be defeated in the election <<<
選挙区: senkyoku: election district <<<
選挙権: senkyoken: right to vote, suffrage, franchise <<<
被選挙権: hisenkyoken: eligibility <<<
選挙人: senkyonin: voter, elector <<<
選挙人団: senkyonindan: electoral college <<<
選挙運動: senkyoundou: election campaign <<< 運動
選挙演説: senkyoenzetsu: campaign speech <<< 演説
選挙違反: senkyoihan: election fraud <<< 違反
総選挙: sousenkyo: general election <<<
首長選挙: shuchousenkyo: election of the head of a local government <<< 首長
議長選挙: gichousenkyo: election of a chairman <<< 議長
予備選挙: yobisenkyo: primary election <<< 予備
直接選挙: chokusetsusenkyo: direct election <<< 直接
大統領選挙: daitouryousenkyo: presidential election <<< 大統領
公明選挙: koumeisenkyo: clean election <<< 公明
補欠選挙: hoketsusenkyo: special election, by-election <<< 補欠
一次選挙: ichijisenkyo: primary election <<< 一次
市長選挙: shichousenkyo: mayoral election <<< 市長
間接選挙: kansetsusenkyo: indirect election <<< 間接
普通選挙: hutsuusenkyo: general election <<< 普通
中間選挙: chuukansenkyo: midterm [off-year] election <<< 中間
related words: 投票


pronunciation: sengen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: declaration, proclamation, profession, statement
宣言する: sengensuru: declare, proclaim, announce, profess
宣言書: sengensho: a manifesto, a declaration, a statement <<<
中立宣言: chuuritsusengen: declaration of neutrality <<< 中立
人権宣言: jinkensengen: Declaration of the Rights of Man <<< 人権
爆弾宣言: bakudansengen: bombshell declaration <<< 爆弾
死刑宣言: shikeisengen: death sentence <<< 死刑
失踪宣言: shissousengen: adjudication of disappearance <<< 失踪
ポツダム宣言: potsudamusengen: Potsdam Declaration <<< ポツダム
デフォールト宣言: defoorutosengen: default declaration <<< デフォールト
ヘルシンキ宣言: herushinkisengen: Helsinki Declaration [Accords] <<< ヘルシンキ


pronunciation: sendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: instigation, incitement, abetment, agitation
扇動する: sendousuru: instigate, incite, abet, agitate, egg (a person) on (to an act to do)
扇動的: sendouteki: agitative, inflammatory, dangerous <<<
扇動者: sendousha: investigator, abettor, agitator <<<


pronunciation: senryaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: strategy
戦略的: senryakuteki: strategic <<<
戦略上の: senryakujouno <<<
戦略家: senryakuka: strategist <<<
戦略爆撃: senryakubakuge: strategic bombing <<< 爆撃
戦略爆撃機: senryakubakugekiki: strategic bomber <<<
戦略ミサイル: senryakumisairu: strategic missile <<< ミサイル
マーケティング戦略: maakettingusenryaku: marketing strategy <<< マーケティング
related words: 戦術


pronunciation: zeikin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , finance
translation: tax, duty, charge
税金込みで: zeikinkomide: tax included <<<
税金滞納: zeikintainou: tax arrearage <<< 滞納
税金申告: zeikinshinkoku: tax return <<< 申告
税金を申告する: zeikinnoshinkokusuru: make one's tax return
related words: 関税 , タックス


pronunciation: zettai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , politics
translation: absoluteness
絶対の: zettaino: absolute, unconditioned, unconditional
絶対に: zettaini: absolutely, unconditionally, positively
絶対数: zettaisuu: absolute value <<<
絶対値: zettaichi <<<
絶対善: zettaizen: absolute good <<<
絶対権: zettaiken: absolute right <<<
絶対温度: zettaiondo: absolute temperature <<< 温度
絶対零度: zettaireido: absolute zero
絶対安静: zettaiansei: complete rest
絶対多数: zettaitasuu: absolute majority <<< 多数
絶対主義: zettaishugi: absolutism <<< 主義
絶対主義者: zettaishugisha: absolutist <<<
絶対服従: zettaihukujuu: absolute obedience <<< 服従


pronunciation: zenkoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , media , politics
translation: whole country
全国の: zenkokuno: national, nation-wide, country-wide
全国的: zenkokuteki <<<
全国で: zenkokude: all over the country, across the nation
全国紙: zenkokushi: national newspaper <<<
全国区: zenkokku: nationwide constituency <<<
全国放送: zenkokuhousou: national network broadcast <<< 放送
全国中継: zenkokuchuukei: nationwide hookup <<< 中継


pronunciation: zentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: the whole, total, all
全体の: zentaino: whole (a.), entire, general, total, global
全体に: zentaini: wholly, entirely, generally
全体で: zentaide: in all, all told
全体として: zentaitoshite: in general, on the whole, generally speaking
全体主義: zentaishugi: totalitarism <<< 主義
全体主義国家: zentaishugikokka: totalitarian state <<< 国家
全体会議: zentaikaigi: general meeting, plenary session <<< 会議
related words: 全身


pronunciation: sousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: president (of a big organization), governor
副総裁: hukusousai: vice-president <<<


pronunciation: soutou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: president, fuehrer, generalissimo
総統府: soutouhu: president's office <<<

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