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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dry, thirst
katsu, ketsu
渇く: kawaku: dry (up), get dry, be [feel] thirsty, be parched with thirst
渇き: kawaki: dryness, thirst, thirstiness
渇きを癒す: kawakioiyasu: quench one's thirst <<<
渇きを止める: kawakiotomeru <<<
渇る: kareru: dry up <<< ,
Kanji words: 枯渇
Expressions: 喉が渇く

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, divert, deviate, stray, escape, lose (ext.), miss
ichi, itsu
逸する: issuru: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape, stray [deviate] from
逸う: ushinau: miss [lose] (a chance), let escape <<<
逸す: sorasu: evade, elude, dodge, side-step, parry, turn (a thing) aside [away], divert, make (a thing) deviate from
逸る: hashiru: escape <<< ,
逸る: hayaru: be hasty, be impatient, be impetuous <<<
逸れる: sugureru: be superior, surpass, excel <<< ,
逸: toshi, yasu, haya: pers.
Kanji words: 逸話 , 逸材 , 逸脱
Expressions: 話を逸らす , 機会を逸する , 軌道を逸する , 脇道へ逸れる , 好機を逸する , 血気に逸る , 時機を逸する , 目線を逸す , 視線を逸す , 注意を逸らす , 潮時を逸する

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 11
translation: miserable, wretched, pitiable, pitiful, cruel, brutal, merciless, pitiless, stonyhearted
san, zan
惨む: itamu: lament, mourn (over), condole (with) <<<
惨い: mugoi: cruel, brutal, merciless, pitiless, stonyhearted
惨めな: mijimena: miserable, wretched, pitiable, pitiful, lousy
Kanji words: 惨事 , 惨敗 , 悲惨

category: common usage
keyword: position
Number of strokes: 11
translation: lean, incline, one side, radical of kanji
偏: hen: radical of kanji
偏る: katayoru: lean (to one side), incline (toward), be biased, be partial to (a matter), be prejudiced
偏った: katayotta: partial, one-sided, unbalanced
偏: katagawa: one side <<< 片側
偏に: hitoeni: earnestly, intently, entirely, solely, humbly
偏: tomo, tsura: pers.
Kanji words: 偏見 , 偏屈
Expressions: 偏頭痛 , 偏頭痛がする

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: close, block, clog, nitrogen (block breathing)
chitsu, tetsu
窒ぐ: husagu: close, block, clog, choke (up) <<<
窒がる: husagaru: be closed, be blocked, be clogged
Kanji words: 窒素

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: detain
控える: hikaeru: detain, keep [hold] back (jp.), abstain [restrain oneself] (from doing), be temperate in doing, eschew, postpone, put off, give up, make a note of, note down
控え: hikae: note, memorandum, duplicate, counterfoil, stub, prop, stay <<< コピー
控えを取る: hikaeotoru: take [make] a copy (of) <<<
Kanji words: 控除
Expressions: 売り控える , 差し控える

category: JIS1
keyword: bird
Number of strokes: 11
translation: pick, beck, bill, beak
啄む: tsuibamu: pick [peck] (at)
啄: kuchibashi: bill, beak <<<
Kanji words: 啄木鳥

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 11
translation: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case, exhaust, consume, use up
shitsu, shichi
悉く: kotogotoku: all, altogether, wholly, completely, entirely, without exception, in every case
悉くす: tsukusu: exhaust, consume, use up
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category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 11
translation: birch tree
椛: kaba
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category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 11
translation: Japanese cherry birch (betula grossa)
梓: azusa
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