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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: grow thick, increase, tasty (conf.)
ji, shi
滋す: masu: increase (vi.), augment, swell, raise, rise <<< ,
滋: masumasu: more and more, still more, increasingly <<< 益々
滋る: shigeru: grow thick <<< ,
Kanji words: 滋賀

category: common usage
keyword: death
Number of strokes: 12
translation: coffin, casket, pall
棺: hitsugi
棺に納める: hitsuginiosameru, kannniosameru: lay in a coffin <<<
Kanji words: 石棺 , 棺桶

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: blunt, dull, slow, stolid
鈍い: nibui: blunt, dull, slow, stolid
鈍い音: nibuioto: thick sound <<<
鈍い光: nibuihikari: dim light <<<
鈍る: niburu: become dull [blunt], relax, weaken
鈍: namakura: blunt sword, useless thing
Kanji words: 鈍感
Expressions: 刃の鈍い , 貧すれば鈍する , 神経が鈍い , 感覚が鈍い

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: great, extraordinary, famous
偉い: erai: great, extraordinary, famous, serious (jp.), awful, violent
偉い人: eraihito: great man <<<
偉い目に遭う: eraimeniau: have a hard time of it
偉そうな: erasouna: haughty, arrogant, important-looking
偉そうな顔をする: erasounakaoosuru: look big <<<
偉そうな事を言う: erasounakotooiu: talk big
Kanji words: 偉人 , 偉大

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 12
translation: shake, rock, swing, sway, waver, flicker, jolt, wiggle
揺する: yusuru: shake (vt.), rock, swing
揺すぶる: yusuburu
揺らす: yurasu
揺さぶる: yusaburu
揺さぶり: yusaburi: shake (n.), rock, swing
揺れる: yureru: shake (vi.), sway, rock, swing. flicker, jolt, wiggle, fizzle
揺る: yuru
揺れ: yure: shaking, shake (n.), swaying motion, tremor, shock, jolting, rolling, pitching
揺らぐ: yuragu: swing, sway, shake, waver, flicker
揺るぐ: yurugu: waver, shake
揺るぎない: yuruginai: firm, solid, secure, steady
揺るがす: yurugasu: shake, swing, sway, shock, undermine, jog
揺り動かす: yuriugokasu <<<
揺り起こす: yuriokosu: shake (a person) out of sleep, wake (a person) by shaking <<<
揺り落とす: yuriotosu: shake down <<<
揺く: ugoku: move (vi.), stir, shake, swing, sway, <<<
Kanji words: 揺籠 , 動揺
Expressions: 揺り椅子 , 揺れる火影 , 貧乏揺り

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: dare, venture
敢て: aete: boldly, daringly
敢えてする: aetesuru: dare [venture, make bold] to do
Kanji words: 勇敢 , 敢闘
Expressions: 取り敢えず

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: twine, wrap, link, join
絡む: karamu: twine [coil, wrap] round, twist about, be [get] entangled, be involved in, pick a quarrel with (a person), intertwine
絡まる: karamaru
絡める: karameru
絡う: matou: twine [coil, wrap] round, twist about, be [get] entangled, be involved in <<<
絡がる: tsunagaru: link, join <<<
Kanji words: 連絡 , 絡繰

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: grasp, grip, seize
握る: nigiru: grasp (v.), grip, hold (a thing) in one's hands, seize
握り: nigiri: grasp (n.), grip, knob, handle, sushi (jp.) <<< ハンドル
握り締める: nigirishimeru: grasp [grip, hold] tightly, clasp <<<
握り潰す: nigiritsubusu: crush (a thing) in one's hand, shelve, pigeonhole, kill [table] (a bill) <<<
Kanji words: 握手 , 把握 , 御握り , 握力
Expressions: 拳を握る , 拳を握って , 手を握る , 権力を握る , 覇権を握る , 政権を握る , 尻尾を握る , 手首を握る , 制空権を握る , 制海権を握る , ハンドルを握る

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 12
translation: relax, melt, thaw, cheer of triumph
gai, kai
凱らぐ: yawaragu: relax (v.), melt, thaw <<<
凱: kachidoki: cheer of triumph
Kanji words: 凱旋

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: knowledge, understanding, wisdom
智る: satoru: understand
智: tomo: pers.
related words: ,

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