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category: to learn in school
keyword: economy
Number of strokes: 12
translation: tax, duty, toll, tribute
zei, sei, datsu, etsu
税: zei: tax, duty, toll
税: mitsugi: tribute
Kanji words: 税金 , 税理士 , 課税 , 脱税 , 税抜 , 税込 , 免税 , 税務 , 税関 , 関税 , 税理
Expressions: 鉱業税 , 通過税 , 相続税 , 印紙税 , 市民税 , 飲食税 , 税の軽減 , 税を軽減する , 有名税 , 税の控除 , 財産税 , 直接税 , 間接税 , 勤労所得税 , 通行税 , 輸出税 , 輸入税 , 取得税 , 営業税 , 売上税 , 法人税 , 入場税 , 加算税 , 不足税 , 地方税 , 家屋税 , 所得税 , 事業税 , 住民税 , 環境税 , 固定資産税 , 不動産税 , 給与税 , 消費税 , 停泊税

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: rule, degree, quantity
tei, jou
程: hodo: degree, extent, quantity, bounds, limit, about, some, something like, rank (jp.)
程無く: hodonaku: shortly, before long, by and by <<<
程: nori: law, rule <<< ,
程: michinori: distance <<< 道程
程る: hakaru: measure (vt.) <<< , ,
Kanji words: 工程 , 音程 , 過程 , 先程 , 成程 , 程度 , 課程 , 日程 , 方程式 , 道程 , 射程
Expressions: 毛程も , 山程の , 驚く程 , 塵程も , 露程も , 目眩がする程に

category: to learn in school
keyword: education
Number of strokes: 12
translation: answer, reply, respond
答える: kotaeru: answer (a person, a question), reply (to a person, to a question), give an answer [a reply], respond (to), solve
答え: kotae: answer (n.), reply, response
答えを出す: kotaeodasu: find a solution (for) <<<
Kanji words: 解答 , 応答 , 回答 , 返答 , 問答
Expressions: 質問に答える , 要求に答える , 信頼に答える

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: same, equal, identical, similar
等しい: hitoshii: equal, identical, similar
等しく: hitoshiku: equally, evenly, impartially
等しくする: hitoshikusuru: equalize A to [with] B, make A equal to B
等: nado: and so on [forth], et cetra, and [or] the like, and many other things
Kanji words: 高等 , 我等 , 彼等 , 優等 , 等閑 , 等級 , 一等 , 上等 , 平等
Expressions: 彼女等

category: to learn in school
keyword: society
Number of strokes: 12
translation: belong, appertain, tribe, folk, clan, people
zoku, shoku
属: zoku: genus
属する: zokusuru: belong [appertain] to (a person), come under, fall under [within]
属く: tsuku: belong, depend <<<
属: yakara: tribe, folk, clan, people <<<
属: chikagoro: recently
属: sakan: tit. (jp.)
Kanji words: 専属 , 付属 , 属性 , 帰属 , 眷属 , 金属 , 隷属 , 所属 , 従属
Expressions: 管轄に属する

category: to learn in school
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 12
translation: right opinion (org.), find fault with, criticize
hyou, hei
評う: agetsurau: find fault with, criticize <<<
Kanji words: 批評 , 酷評 , 好評 , 評論 , 評価 , 評判
Expressions: 人物評

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 12
translation: fill up, supplement, complement
ho, hu
補う: oginau: fill up, supplement (vt.), complement, supply
補い: oginai: supplement (n.), complement, compensation
Kanji words: 補佐 , 候補 , 補助 , 補足 , 補聴器 , 補欠 , 補強 , 補給 , 補導 , 補償 , 補正 , 補習 , 補充 , 補修
Expressions: 検事補 , 短所を補う , 警部補 , 不足を補う , 次官補 , 欠員を補う

category: to learn in school
keyword: society
Number of strokes: 12
translation: numerous, many, people, crowd
shuu, shu
衆: shuu: people, crowd
衆を頼んで: shuuotanonde: relying upon their numerical superior <<<
衆い: ooi: numerous, many <<<
Kanji words: 公衆 , 合衆国 , 観衆 , 民衆 , 大衆 , 群衆

category: to learn in school
keyword: clothes
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wear (v.), be dressed, make up, pretend
sou, shou
装う: yosoou: wear [put on] (a dress), be dressed [attired] (in), dress oneself (in), make one's toilet, make (oneself) up, pretend, affect, assume, fein
装い: yosooi: array, dress, attire, toilet, makeup
Kanji words: 武装 , 偽装 , 塗装 , 内装 , 装甲 , 仮装 , 変装 , 装丁 , 装備 , 包装 , 服装 , 衣装 , 装置 , 装飾 , 改装 , 男装 , 女装
Expressions: 春の装い , 平気を装う

category: to learn in school
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 12
translation: tribute, proof, evidence
証: akashi
Kanji words: 査証 , 検証 , 証書 , 公証 , 認証 , 証明 , 暗証 , 証人 , 証言 , 保証 , 証券 , 証拠 , 追証 , 証文
Expressions: 外出証 , 受取証 , 車検証 , 学生証 , 会員証 , 許可証 , 通行証 , 免許証 , 健康保険証 , 滞在許可証 , 運転免許証 , 借用証

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