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Direct access: 養護 , 羊水 , 陽性 , 容態 , 予防 , 流行 , 流産 , 療法 , 療養 , 臨月


pronunciation: yougo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , education
translation: nursing, protective care
養護する: yougosuru: nurse (v.), take into care
養護学級: yougogakkyuu: handicapped children's class
養護学校: yougogakkou: handicapped children's school <<< 学校
養護教諭: yougokyouyu: nurse-teacher <<< 教諭
養護施設: yougoshisetsu: nursing institution <<< 施設
related words: 看護


pronunciation: yousui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: amniotic fluid
related words: 破水


pronunciation: yousei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: positivity
陽性の: youseino: positive
陽性反応: youseihannnou: positive reaction <<< 反応
antonyms: 陰性


pronunciation: youdai, youtai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 容体
keyword: medicine
translation: condition (of a patient)
容態が悪化する: youdaigaakkasuru: The condition (of a patient) has taken a turn [change] for the worse <<< 悪化
容態が好転する: youdaigakoutensuru: The condition (of a patient) has taken a turn [change] for the better


pronunciation: yobou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: prevention, precaution
予防の: yobouno: preventive, precautionary
予防する: yobousuru: prevent, protect
予防薬: yobouyaku: preventive medicine [drug] <<<
予防法: yobouhou: preventive measure <<<
予防措置: yobousochi <<< 措置
予防手段: yoboushudan: means of prevention <<< 手段
予防戦争: yobousensou: preventive [preventative] war, pre-emptive war <<< 戦争
予防注射: yobouchuusha: preventive injection <<< 注射
予防接種: yobousesshu: vaccination, jab <<< 接種
予防医学: yobouigaku: preventive medicine <<< 医学
盗難予防の: tounannyobouno: burglarproof <<< 盗難
結核予防: kekkakuyobou: tuberculosis prevention <<< 結核
synonyms: 防止


pronunciation: ryuukou, hayari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty , medicine
translation: fashion, vogue, craze, prevalence
流行の: ryuukouno: in fashion [vogue], fashionable, prevailing, popular, epidemic
流行する: ryuukousuru: be in fashion [vogue], prevail, be widespread [prevalent, prevailing]
流行させる: ryuukousaseru: bring into fashion [vogue], introduce a new fashion
流行に後れる: ryuukouniokureru: be behind fashion <<<
流行を追う: ryuukouoou: follow the fashion <<<
流行歌: ryuukouka, hayariuta: popular song <<<
流行型: ryuukougata: fashionable shape, up-to-date style <<<
流行語: ryuukougo: cant, word in fashion <<<
流行児: ryuukouji: popular figure <<<
流行色: ryuukoushoku: fashionable color <<<
流行地: ryuukouchi: infected area <<<
流行病: ryuukoubyou: epidemic disease, epidemic (n.), pandemic <<<
流行歌手: ryuukoukashu: singer of popular songs <<< 歌手
流行作家: ryuukousakka: popular writer <<< 作家
斬新な流行: zanshinnnaryuukou: the latest fashion <<< 斬新
風邪が流行る: kazegahayaru: Flu is raging <<< 風邪
最新流行: saishinryuukou: up-to-date [the latest] fashion <<< 最新
synonyms: ファッション


pronunciation: ryuuzan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: miscarriage, abortion
流産する: ryuuzansuru: have a miscarriage, miscarry, abort, produce abortion, prove abortive


pronunciation: ryouhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: therapy, medical treatment, remedy, cure
衝撃療法: shougekiryouhou: shock therapy <<< 衝撃
免疫療法: mennenkiryouhou: immunotherapy <<< 免疫
指圧療法: shiatsuryouhou: finger-pressure [acupressure] therapy <<< 指圧
民間療法: minkanryouhou: folk remedy [cure] <<< 民間
光線療法: kousenryouhou: phototherapy <<< 光線
物理療法: butsuriryouhou: physical therapy <<< 物理
鉱泉療法: kousenryouhou: balneotherapy <<< 鉱泉
刺激療法: shigekiryouhou: stimulus therapy <<< 刺激
精神療法: seishinryouhou: mind cure, psychotherapy <<< 精神
海水療法: kaisuiryouhou: sea water therapy, thalassotherapy <<< 海水
赤外線療法: sekigaisenryouhou: infrared therapy <<< 赤外線
断食療法: danjikiryouhou: fast cure <<< 断食
温泉療法: onsenryouhou: hot-spring cure <<< 温泉
化学療法: kagakuryouhou: chemotherapy <<< 化学
集団療法: shuudanryouhou: mass therapy <<< 集団
電撃療法: dengekiryouhou: electric shock therapy <<< 電撃
日光療法: nikkouryouhou: heliotherapy, sun-cure <<< 日光
作業療法: sagyouryouhou: occupational therapy, ergotherapy <<< 作業
紫外線療法: shigaisenryouhou: sunray therapy, ultraviolet treatment <<< 紫外線
信仰療法: shinkouryouhou: faith cure <<< 信仰
心理療法: shinriryouhou: psychotherapy <<< 心理
自宅療法: jitakuryouhou: home treatment <<< 自宅
祈祷療法: kitouryouhou: faith healing <<< 祈祷
ショック療法: shokkuryouhou: shock therapy <<< ショック
レントゲン療法: rentogenryouhou: roentgenotherapy <<< レントゲン
イオン療法: ionryouhou: ion therapy <<< イオン
コバルト療法: kobarutoryouhou: cobalt treatment <<< コバルト
related words: セラピー


pronunciation: ryouyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: medical treatment
療養する: ryouyousuru: receive medical treatment, recuperate (oneself)
療養所: ryouyousho: sanatorium, sanitarium <<<
related words: 治療


pronunciation: ringetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , kids
translation: month of parturition
臨月に近い: ringetsunichikai: Her time is near <<<
臨月の女性: ringetsunojosei: parturient woman <<< 女性
related words: 出産 , 分娩

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