Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34
Direct access: 当局 , 統合 , 党首 , 当選 , 闘争 , 統治 , 投票 , 動議 , 同盟 , 独裁


pronunciation: toukyoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: authoritative, authority
当局者: toukyokusha: official <<<
政府当局: seihutoukyo: government authorities <<< 政府
検察当局: kensatsutoukyoku: procuratorial authorities, prosecution <<< 検察
司法当局: shihoutoukyoku: judicial authorities <<< 司法
関係当局: kankeitoukyoku: authorities concerned <<< 関係


pronunciation: tougou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: industry , politics
translation: unification, integration
統合する: tougousuru: unify, integrate, bring together, combine
統合失調症: tougoushitchoushou: schizophrenia
通貨統合: tsuukatougou: monetary integration <<< 通貨
related words: 統一


pronunciation: toushu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: political party leader


pronunciation: tousen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , art
translation: winning election, being elected, prize winning
当選する: tousensuru: be elected, win the prize
当選者: tousensha: elected candidate, prize winner <<<
当選番号: tousenbangou: lucky [winning] number <<< 番号
当選無効: tousenmukou: annulment of one's election <<< 無効
antonyms: 落選


pronunciation: tousou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: struggle (n.), fight (n.), battle (n.), strife, warfare
闘争する: tousousuru: struggle (v.), fight (v.), battle (v.)
闘争心: tousoushin: fighting spirit, aggressiveness <<<
闘争資金: tousoushikin: strike fund <<< 資金
闘争本部: tousouhonbu: strikers' headquarters <<< 本部
我闘争: wagatousou: Mein Kampf <<<
年末闘争: nenmatsutousou: year-end strike <<< 年末
職場闘争: shokubatousou: workshop struggle <<< 職場
賃金闘争: chingintousou: wage struggle <<< 賃金
階級闘争: kaikyuutousou: class warfare [strife] <<< 階級


pronunciation: touchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , administration
translation: rule (n.), government, reign
統治する: touchisuru: govern, rule (over), reign (over)
統治下: touchika: under the rule [reign] of <<<
統治下に在る: touchikaniaru: be under the rule [reign] of <<<
統治権: touchiken: supreme power, sovereignty <<<
統治者: touchisha: sovereign, ruler <<<
統治機関: touchikikan: government organ <<< 機関
統治行為: touchikoui: act of the state <<< 行為
委任統治: inintouchi: mandatory rule <<< 委任
信託統治: shintakutouchi: trusteeship <<< 信託


pronunciation: touhyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: vote (n.), ballot, poll
投票する: touhyousuru: vote (v.)
投票箱: touhyoubako: ballot box <<<
投票権: touhyouken: suffrage <<<
投票者: touhyousha: voter <<<
投票日: touhyoubi: voting day <<<
投票率: touhyouritsu: election (voter) turnout <<<
投票場: touhyoujou: polling place [station] <<<
投票所: touhyousho <<<
投票用紙: touhyouyoushi: ballot <<< 用紙
無投票: mutouhyou: without voting <<<
議員投票: giintouhyou: floor vote, parliamentary vote <<< 議員
賛成投票: sanseitouhyou: approval ballot <<< 賛成
記名投票: kimeitouhyou: signed vote, write-in <<< 記名
委任投票: inintouhyou: proxy voting <<< 委任
委任投票する: inintouhyousuru: vote by proxy <<< 委任
人民投票: jinmintouhyou: plebiscite, referendum <<< 人民
自由投票: jiyuutouhyou: free vote <<< 自由
反対投票: hantaitouhyou: negative vote <<< 反対
国民投票: kokumintouhyou: referendum <<< 国民
一般投票: ippantouhyou: popular vote <<< 一般
不在投票: huzaitouhyou: absentee voting [ballot] <<< 不在
無効投票: mukoutouhyou: invalid vote <<< 無効
人気投票: ninkitouhyou: popularity vote <<< 人気
起立投票: kiritsutouhyou: standing [rising] vote <<< 起立
住民投票: juumintouhyou: referendum <<< 住民
美人投票: bijintouhyou: beauty [pageantry] contest <<< 美人
有効投票: yuukoutouhyou: valid vote <<< 有効
代理投票: dairitouhyou: proxy vote <<< 代理


pronunciation: dougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: motion
動議を出す: dougiodasu: move [make] a motion <<<
動議を提出する: dougioteishutsusuru <<< 提出
動議を可決する: dougiokaketsusuru: carry a motion <<< 可決
動議を否決する: dougiohiketsusuru: reject a motion <<< 否決
動議を撤回する: dougiotekkaisuru: withdraw a motion <<< 撤回
反対動議: hantaidougi: counter motion, cross-motion <<< 反対
緊急動議: kinkyuudougi: urgent motion <<< 緊急


pronunciation: doumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , war
translation: alliance, league
同盟する: doumeisuru: form [go into] an alliance [union], be allied [leagued]
同盟して: doumeishite: in alliance with
同盟国: doumeikoku: allied country [power] <<<
同盟軍: doumeigun: allied army <<< , 友軍
同盟条約: doumeijouyaku: treaty of alliance <<< 条約
同盟罷業: doumeihigyou: strike
同盟休校: doumeikyuukou: school strike
関税同盟: kanzeidoumei: customs union <<< 関税
軍事同盟: gunjidoumei: military alliance <<< 軍事
防御同盟: bougyodoumei: defensive alliance <<< 防御
防衛同盟: boueidoumei: defense pact <<< 防衛
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 三国


pronunciation: dokusai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , politics
translation: autocracy, despotism, tyranny
独裁の: dokusaino: dictatorial, despotic, autocratic
独裁する: dokusaisuru: have under one's despotic rule, hold an absolute authority
独裁者: dokusaisha: dictator, autocrat, despot, tyrant <<<
独裁国: dokusaikoku: autocratic nation <<<
独裁国家: dokusaikokka <<< 国家
独裁政治: dokusaiseiji: dictatorial government <<< 政治
独裁体制: dokusaitaisei: dictatorial regime <<< 体制
独裁君主: dokusaikunshu: despotic monarch <<< 君主
独裁君主国: dokusaikunshukoku: absolute monarchy <<<
related words: 専制

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