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category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: salary, allowance
禄を食む: rokuohamu: receive a stipend <<<
禄: huchi: salary
禄い: saiwai: happiness, luck <<<
禄: yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 貫禄

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: lurk, observe, watch, peep, peek, look
覗う: ukagau: lurk, observe, watch <<<
覗く: nozoku: peep (v.), peek, look
覗き: nozoki: voyeurism, peep (n.)
覗き見: nozokimi <<<
覗き見する: nozokimisuru: peep (v.) <<<
覗き見する人: nozokimisuruhito: peeper, Peeping Tom
覗き穴: nozokiana: peep-hole <<<
覗き窓: nozokimado: spy window <<<
Expressions: 隙間から覗く , 旗色を覗う
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: throat, voice
喉: nodo
喉が渇く: nodogakawaku: be [feel] thirsty <<<
喉が鳴る: nodoganaru: lick one's lips (want to eat) <<<
喉を鳴らす: nodoonarasu: purr <<<
喉が痛い: nodogaitai: have a sore throat <<<
喉を痛める: nodooitameru <<<
喉を潤す: nodoouruosu: appease thirst, slake the thirst <<<
喉を絞める: nodooshimeru: grip a person's throat, strangle (a person) <<<
喉に痞える: nodonitsukaeru: stick in one's throat <<<
喉が良い: nodogaii: have a sweet voice <<<
喉を聞かせる: nodookikaseru: sing to (a person) <<<
喉から手が出るほど欲しい: nodokarategaderuhodohoshii: feel like jumping at (a thing), make one's mouth water
Kanji words: 咽喉

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: burn, toast, roast, broil, grill
焚く: yaku: burn, throw into the fire, bake, toast, roast, broil, grill <<<
Kanji words: 焚火
Expressions: 釜を焚く , 石炭を焚く , 暖炉を焚く , 線香を焚く , ストーブを焚く , フラッシュを焚く

category: JIS1
keyword: flower
Number of strokes: 12
translation: mugwort
萩: yomogi: mugwort <<<
萩: hagi: bush clover (jp.)

category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 12
translation: hammer, strike, pasania
tsui, sui
椎: tsuchi: hammer <<<
椎つ: utsu: strike <<<
椎: shii: pasania, chinquapin, chinkapin
Kanji words: 椎茸

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wither, droop, weaken, wilt
萎える: naeru: wither, droop, lose strength, weaken, be paralyzed <<< 麻痺
萎れる: shioreru: wither, droop, be dejected, be dispirited, be cast down, wilt
萎む: shibomu: fade (v.), wither, droop
Kanji words: 萎縮

category: JIS1
keyword: ship
Number of strokes: 12
translation: harbor, port, haven, gather (ships gather in harbor), crowd, swarm
湊: minato: harbor, port, haven <<<
湊まる: atsumaru: gather, crowd, swarm <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: weather
Number of strokes: 12
translation: greenery, verdure (of mountains)
嵐: arashi: storm (jp.), tempest
嵐の: arashino: stormy
嵐の日: arashinohi: stormy day <<<
嵐に会う: arashiniau: be overtaken by a storm <<<
嵐に遭う: arashiniau <<<
嵐が吹く: arashigahuku: It storms <<<
嵐が起こる: arashigaokoru: A storm rises <<<
嵐が来る: arashigakuru: A storm comes on <<<
嵐が静まる: arashigashizumaru: A storm calms down <<<
嵐の前の静けさ: arashinomaenoshizukesa: The calm [lull] before a storm
Kanji words: 砂嵐
Expressions: 凄い嵐 , 磁気嵐

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 12
translation: beard, wait (bor.), await, use
shu, su
須く: subekaraku: by all means, necessarily, should (do), ought to (do)
須つ: matsu: wait, await <<<
須いる: mochiiru: use <<<
須: hige: beard
Kanji words: 急須 , 必須

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