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category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: roast, broil, toast
hou, hai
焙る: aburu: roast, broil, toast, heat, warm, dry
Kanji words: 焙煎
related words:

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 12
translation: chide, rebuke, reprimand, suffer, pain, agony
kin, gun
窘める: tashinameru: chide, rebuke mildly, reprimand, take (a person) to task, reprove (a person for his carelessness), warn (a person to do)
窘しむ: kurushimu: suffer, be in pain [agony] <<<

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 12
translation: stumble, mistake
跌く: tsumazuku: stumble (over, against), take a false step <<<
跌つ: ayamatsu: mistake, err, make a mistake [an error]) <<< ,

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 12
translation: crumple, rumple
揉む: momu: crumple, rumple, massage <<< マッサージ
揉める: momeru: have [be in] trouble (with), be in discord (with)

category: JIS2
keyword: health
Number of strokes: 12
translation: pant, gasp
sen, zen
喘ぐ: aegu: pant, gasp, breathe hard
喘ぎ喘ぎ: aegiaegi: pantingly, between gasps, out of breath
喘ぎながら: aeginagara
Kanji words: 喘息

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 12
translation: drop, fall, collapse, retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit
貶とす: otosu: drop (vt.), let fall, collapse <<<
貶める: otoshimeru: show contempt for; look down upon; have a low opinion of
貶ける: shirizokeru: retreat, recede, withdraw, retire, leave, quit <<< 退
貶なす: kenasu: speak ill [slightingly] of, abuse, despise, slander, cry [run] down, belittle, criticize, denigrate, vilify, slur, disparage
Expressions: 名誉を貶める

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