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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: look alike, be indistinguishable, be [get] confused [mixed up]
紛れる: magireru: look alike, be indistinguishable (from), be [get] confused [mixed up] (with), be diverted [distracted], forget one's cares for a time
紛らす: magirasu: divert, beguile, conceal, hide, evade
紛らわす: magirawasu
紛らわしい: magirawashii: confusing, misleading, ambiguous
紛れ込む: magirekomu: get [be] mixed (up), be lost (somewhere) <<<
紛れも無い: magiremonai: unmistakable, plain, evident <<<
紛れも無く: magiremonaku: evidently, sure enough, no [without] doubt <<<
紛れ: magure: fluke
紛れで勝つ: maguredekatsu: win by a fluke <<<
紛れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits <<<
Kanji words: 紛失 , 内紛 , 紛い物 , 気紛れ , 紛争
Expressions: 苦し紛れに , 闇に紛れて , 言い紛らす , 人込みに紛れる , 退屈を紛らす , 暗闇に紛れて

category: common usage
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 11
translation: dark blue, indigo
kon, kan
紺: kon: dark blue (n.)
紺の: konnno: dark blue (a.)
紺: konniro: dark blue (color) <<< 紺色
Kanji words: 紺色 , 濃紺 , 紺碧

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: succeed, entertain (guests)
shou, jou
紹ぐ: tsugu: succeed (a person), come after (a person), inherit <<<
紹: tsugi, tsugu: pers.
Kanji words: 紹介

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 11
translation: wide belt, noble (who wears a wide belt)
紳: hutoobi: wide belt
Kanji words: 紳士

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wring, strangle
kou, kyou
絞る: kubiru: wring (vt.), strangle (vt.)
絞める: shimeru
絞まる: shimaru: be wrung, be strangled
絞り: shibori: diaphragm (jp.)
絞り機: shiboriki: clothes wringer <<<
絞り粕: shiborikasu: marc, sediment
絞る: shiboru: press out (jp.), down the lens
Kanji words: 御絞り
Expressions: 液を絞る , 頭を絞る , 鶏を絞める , 帆を絞る , 引き絞る , 喉を絞める , 手拭を絞る , 知恵を絞る , レンズを絞る , レモン絞り , タオルを絞る

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: twine, wrap, link, join
絡む: karamu: twine [coil, wrap] round, twist about, be [get] entangled, be involved in, pick a quarrel with (a person), intertwine
絡まる: karamaru
絡める: karameru
絡う: matou: twine [coil, wrap] round, twist about, be [get] entangled, be involved in <<<
絡がる: tsunagaru: link, join <<<
Kanji words: 連絡 , 絡繰

category: common usage
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 13
translation: silk
絹: kinu
絹の様な: kinunoyouna: silky <<<
Expressions: 絹製品 , 絹のストッキング

category: common usage
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 13
translation: succeed, inherit
継ぐ: tsugu: succeed (a person), come after (a person), inherit <<<
継ぎ足す: tsugitasu: add (to), piece out (with), splice <<<
継: tsune, tsugu, tsugi, hide: pers.
Kanji words: 継続 , 継母 , 継承 , 世継 , 中継
Expressions: 跡を継ぐ , 受け継ぐ , 遺産を継ぐ , 家業を継ぐ , 財産を継ぐ , 商売を継ぐ , 跡目を継ぐ

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: net, seine, netting
網: ami
網に掛かる: aminikakaru: be caught in a net, fall into the clutches <<<
網を編む: amioamu: make a net <<<
網を打つ: amioutsu: cast a net <<<
網を上げる: amioageru: haul [draw] in a net <<<
網を引く: amiohiku: draw a net (ashore) <<<
網を張る: amioharu: set [spread, put up] a net, spread a dragnet, lie in wait <<<
網の目: aminome: meshes of a net <<<
Kanji words: 網膜 , 網戸
Expressions: 捜査網 , 組織網 , 諜報網 , 放送網 , 昆虫採集網 , 鉄道網 , 通信網 , 道路網 , 供給網 , 販売網 , 交通網 , レーダー網 , スパイ網 , レース網 , レース網をする , 網シャツ , 網タイツ
synonyms: ネット

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: line, rope, cord, cable
綱: tsuna
綱を張る: tsunaoharu: stretch a rope <<<
Kanji words: 要綱 , 大綱 , 手綱 , 横綱 , 綱引 , 艫綱
Expressions: 犬の綱 , 頼みの綱 , 干物綱 , クロム綱
synonyms: ケーブル , ロープ
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