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category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: arm
腕: ude: arm, ability (jp.), skill
腕に抱く: udenidaku: have in one's arms <<<
腕に縋る: udenisugaru: lean on a person's arm, turn to a person for help <<<
腕に抱える: udenikakaeru: hold under one's arm <<<
腕を組む: udeokumu: fold one's arms, lock arms (with) <<<
腕を捲る: udeomakuru: roll [pull, tuck] up one's sleeves <<<
腕を捕える: udeotoraeru: catch [seize] (a person) by the arm <<<
腕を貸す: udeokasu: lend a helping hand (to) <<<
腕が鳴る: udeganaru: be itching (to do, for action) <<<
腕の有る: udenoaru: able, capable, competent, skilled, talented <<<
腕の無い: udenonai: incapable, incompetent <<<
腕を磨く: udeomigaku: improve one's skill <<<
腕を揮う: udeohuruu: use [exercise] one's skill, deploy all one's skill <<<
腕を見せる: udeomiseru: display [show] one's ability <<<
Kanji words: 腕輪 , 手腕 , 腕前 , 腕白 , 腕組
Expressions: 二の腕 , 凄い腕 , 腕時計 , 梃子の腕 , 腕相撲
synonyms: , アーム

category: common usage
keyword: book , body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: nape, main point
項: kou: clause (jp.), paragraph, item, term, article
項: unaji: nape
Kanji words: 要項 , 項目 , 事項
Expressions: 同類項

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 12
translation: palm, manage, administer
掌: tanagokoro: palm
掌を指す様に: tanagokoroosasuyouni: (know something) like the palm of one's hand
掌る: tsukasadoru: administer, take charge of, be head of, rule, manage, direct, preside over <<<
Kanji words: 車掌 , 仙人掌

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 13
translation: naked, nude, bare, uncovered
裸: hadaka: nakedness, nudity, bareness
裸の: hadakano: naked, nude, bare, uncovered
裸にする: hadakanisuru: strip [make] (a person) naked
裸に成る: hadakaninaru: become [strip oneself] naked, strip off one's clothes, undress oneself, become penniless, become bare of <<<
Kanji words: 裸体 , 裸眼 , 裸足

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 13
translation: waist, hip
腰: koshi: waist, courage (jp.), consistence
腰の曲がった: koshinomagatta: hunched <<<
腰を曲げる: koshiomageru: stoop <<<
腰を屈める: koshiokagameru <<<
腰に差す: koshinisasu: wear (a sword) at one's side <<<
腰を掛ける: koshiokakeru: sit down, seat oneself, take a seat <<< , 腰掛
腰を下げる: koshiosageru <<<
腰を上げる: koshioageru: stand up, get up <<<
腰を伸ばす: koshionobasu: stretch [straighten] oneself <<<
腰を抜かす: koshionukasu: be petrified (with terror), get scared to death, lose one's legs <<<
腰が重い: koshigaomoi: be slow in starting work <<<
腰の強い: koshinotsuyoi: strong kneed, resolute <<<
腰の弱い: koshinoyowai: weak kneed, irresolute <<<
腰の低い: koshinohikui: modest, humble, courteous <<<
腰を据える: koshiosueru: settle down (in a place, to one's work), steady oneself <<<
腰の据わらない: koshinosuwaranai: wavering, vacillating <<<
Kanji words: 腰掛 , 足腰 , 腰痛
Expressions: 喧嘩腰の
synonyms: ウエスト , ヒップ

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hair, locks, tresses
hatsu, hochi
髪: kami
髪を結う: kamioyuu: dress [do up, fix up] one's hair <<<
髪を刈る: kamiokaru: cut one's hair <<<
髪を切る: kamiokiru <<<
髪を梳く: kamiosuku: comb one's hair <<<
髪を梳かす: kamiotokasu <<<
髪を整える: kamiototonoeru <<<
髪を解く: kamiotoku: let [put] down one's hair <<<
髪を編む: kamioamu: braid one's hair <<<
髪を結ぶ: kamiomusubu: tie up one's hair <<<
髪を縮らす: kamiochiJirasu: frizzle one's hair <<<
髪を染める: kamiosomeru: dye one's hair <<<
髪を分ける: kamiowakeru: part one's hair <<<
髪を洗う: kamioarau: wash one's hair <<<
Kanji words: 毛髪 , 黒髪 , 髪型 , 散髪 , 前髪 , 髪結 , 白髪 , 金髪 , 理髪
Expressions: 髪をカールする , ブロンド髪 , ブロンド髪の
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: skin, complexion
膚: hada
Kanji words: 皮膚

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 4
translation: nail, claw, talon, grip
爪: tsume: nail, claw, talon, grip
爪の有る: tsumenoaru: clawed, nailed <<<
爪の垢: tsumenoaka: dirt in [under] the nails <<<
爪を研ぐ: tsumeotogu: whet the claws <<<
爪を切る: tsumeokiru: cut [pare, trim] one's nails <<<
爪を噛む: tsumeokamu: bite [gnaw] one's nails <<<
爪を立てる: tsumeotateru: dig one's nails into <<<
爪を伸ばす: tsumeonobasu: let one's nails grow (long) <<<
爪で引っ掻く: tsumedehikkaku: scratch
Kanji words: 鉤爪 , 爪切り , 爪痕 , 爪先
Expressions: 指の爪 , 猫の爪 , 爪楊枝 , 親指の爪

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 5
translation: buttocks, hips, bottom, rump, seat, base
尻: shiri
尻の穴: shirinoana: asshole <<<
尻から数えて: jirikarakazoete: from the bottom <<<
尻が長い: shiriganagai: stay too long <<<
尻が割れる: shiregawareru: be brought to light, be found out <<<
尻の軽い: shirinokarui: wanton, unchaste (woman) <<<
尻の重い: shirinoomoi: lazy, sluggish, indolent <<<
尻に火が点く: shirinihigatsuku: be pressed by urgent business
尻を叩く: shiriotataku: give a spanking to, spank, goad (a person to do) <<<
尻を捲る: shiriomakuru: assume a defiant attitude <<<
尻を向ける: shiriomukeru: turn the back (upon) <<<
尻を追う: shirioou: chase [run] after a woman <<<
尻を拭う: shirionuguu: pay for a person's loss, make up for a person's blunder <<<
Kanji words: 尻尾 , 帳尻 , 目尻
Expressions: 尻ポケット
synonyms: ヒップ

category: JIS1
keyword: body , meat
Number of strokes: 6
translation: rib
肋: abara
Kanji words: 肋肉 , 肋骨
synonyms: リブ

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