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Direct access: 民族 , 謀叛 , 免職 , 問責 , 問題 , 野次 , 野党 , 友好 , 要綱 , 抑圧


pronunciation: minzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , politics
translation: race, people, ethnic group
民族の: minzokuno: ethnic, racial
民族性: minzokusei <<<
民族学: minzokugaku: ethnology <<<
民族学者: minzokugakusha: ethnologist <<< 学者
民族主義: minzokushugi: nationalism <<< 主義
民族意識: minzokuishiki: national consciousness <<< 意識
民族自決: minzokujiketsu: racial self-determination
民族移動: minzokuidou: migration of peoples, mass migration <<< 移動
多民族: taminzoku: multiracial, multi-ethnic <<<
多民族国家: taminzokukokka: multiracial country (state) <<< 国家
少数民族: shousuuminzoku: minority race <<< 少数
未開民族: mikaiminzoku: savage (people) <<< 未開
大和民族: yamatominzoku: Japanese race [people] <<< 大和
高地民族: kouchiminzoku: high-land tribe, highlander <<< 高地
海洋民族: kaiyouminzoku: maritime people <<< 海洋
騎馬民族: kibaminzoku: mounted nomads <<< 騎馬
原始民族: genshiminzoku: primitive [prehistoric] people <<< 原始
ユダヤ民族: yudayaminzoku: Jewish people <<< ユダヤ
ラテン民族: ratenminzoku: Latin race <<< ラテン
インカ民族: inkaminzoku: Incas <<< インカ


pronunciation: muhon
kanji characters:
keyword: politics
translation: rebellion, revolt, insurrection, treason
謀叛を企てる: muhonnokuwadateru: plot a rebellion <<<
謀叛を起こす: muhonnookosu: rebel [revolt, conspire] (against), rise in revolt (against) <<<
謀叛をする: muhonnosuru
謀叛人: muhonnnin: rebel, traitor, conspirator <<<
synonyms: 陰謀


pronunciation: menshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: dismissal, removal, discharge
免職する: menshokusuru: dismiss, remove, discharge (v.)
免職に成る: menshokuninaru: be dismissed (fired), lose one's position <<<
懲戒免職: choukaimenshoku: disciplinary dismissal <<< 懲戒
related words: 更迭


pronunciation: monseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: censure (n.), rebuke, reprimand
問責する: monsekisuru: censure [reprove] (a person for), rebuke (v.), reprimand


pronunciation: mondai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: problem, trouble, subject, topic, matter, issue
問題である: mondaidearu: be doubtful [questionable], be open to question
問題無し: mondainashi: no problem <<<
問題に成る: mondaininaru: come into question, become an issue <<<
問題化する: mondaikasuru <<<
問題にする: mondainisuru: call (a matter) in question, make an issue of (a matter), dispute
問題視する: mondaishisuru <<<
問題に成らない: mondaininaranai: be out of the question <<<
問題から外れる: mondaikarahazureru: wander [deviate] from the point, be off the point <<<
問題外である: mondaigaidearu: be beside the question, be out of the question
問題を出す: mondaiodasu: question (v.), set a problem <<<
問題劇: mondaigeki: problem play <<<
問題点: mondaiten: point at issue, trouble point <<<
問題を解決する: mondaiokaiketsusuru: solve a problem <<< 解決
核問題: kakumondai: nuclear problem <<<
法律問題: houritsumondai: legal question <<< 法律
外交問題: gaikoumondai: diplomatic question [issue, problem] <<< 外交
内政問題: naiseimondai: internal problem <<< 内政
思想問題: shisoumondai: thought problem <<< 思想
人権問題: jinkenmondai: question of personal rights <<< 人権
人口問題: jinkoumondai: demographic problem <<< 人口
人種問題: jinshumondai: racial problem <<< 人種
少数民族問題: shousuuminzokumondai: minority problem <<< 少数
基地問題: kichimondai: problem of military bases <<< 基地
根本問題: konponmondai: fundamental [primary] problem <<< 根本
選択問題: sentakumondai: multiple-choice test <<< 選択
係争問題: keisoumondai: question at issue <<< 係争
社会問題: shakaimondai: social problem <<< 社会
失業問題: shitsugyoumondai: unemployment problem <<< 失業
応用問題: ouyoumondai: applied question <<< 応用
試験問題: shikenmondai: question (for examination) <<< 試験
極東問題: kyokutoumondai: Far Eastern problems <<< 極東
懸賞問題: kenshoumondai: problem for a prize contest <<< 懸賞
都市問題: toshimondai: urban problem <<< 都市
南北問題: nanbokumondai: North-South problem <<< 南北
国語問題: kokugomondai: language problem <<< 国語
北方領土問題: hoppouryoudomondai: Kuril Islands dispute <<< 北方
公害問題: kougaimondai: environmental problems <<< 公害
金銭問題: kinsenmondai: matter of money, financial matter <<< 金銭
練習問題: renshuumondai: an exercise <<< 練習
人事問題: jinjimondai: personnel problem <<< 人事
食糧問題: shokuryoumondai: food problem <<< 食糧
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 実際
住宅問題: juutakumondai: housing problem <<< 住宅
環境問題: kankyoumondai: environmental problem <<< 環境
切実な問題: setsujitsunamondai: urgent problem <<< 切実
生死の問題: seishinomondai: matter of life or death <<< 生死
パレスチナ問題: paresuchinamondai: Palestinian problem <<< パレスチナ
ダルフール問題: daruhuurumondai: problem of Darfur <<< ダルフール
チェス問題: chesumondai: chess problem <<< チェス
related words: トラブル , 事件


pronunciation: yaji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: hooting, jeering, catcalling, heckling
野次る: yajiru: hoot, hiss, jeer, catcall, heckle, disturb, make fun of <<< 妨害
野次を飛ばす: yajiotobasu <<<
野次馬: yajiuma: hooters, catcallers, hecklers <<<


pronunciation: yatou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opposition party
related words: 与党


pronunciation: yuukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , love
translation: friendship, amity, goodwill
友好的: yuukouteki: friendly, amicable, favorable <<<
友好的に: yuukoutekini: in a friendly way
友好国: yuukoukoku: friendly country <<<
友好条約: yuukoujouyaku: treaty of friendship <<< 条約
友好関係: yuukoukankei: friendly relation <<< 関係
友好関係を結ぶ: yuukoukankennomusubu: establish friendly relations with <<<


pronunciation: youkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: outline, gist
related words: 大綱 , 要項


pronunciation: yokuatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: oppression, repression, suppression
抑圧する: yokuatsusuru: oppress, repress, suppress
抑圧感情: yokuatsukanjou: pent-up feelings <<< 感情
synonyms: 圧迫

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