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Direct access: 乳化 , 粘液 , 濃縮 , 濃度 , 発泡 , 反応 , 爆発 , 砒素 , 表面 , 複合


pronunciation: nyuuka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: emulsification
乳化する: nyuukasuru: emulsify
乳化剤: nyuukazai: emulsifier <<<


pronunciation: nenneki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: mucus, viscous liquid
粘液性の: nennekiseino: mucous, viscous <<<
粘液質の: nennekishitsuno <<<
粘液質の人: nennekishitsunohito: person of phlegmatic temperament, phlegmatic person <<<


pronunciation: noushuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: concentration, condensation, enrichment
濃縮する: noushukusuru: concentrate, condense, enrich
濃縮ジュース: noushukujuusu: condensed juice <<< ジュース
濃縮ウラン: noushukuuran: enriched uranium <<< ウラン
ウラン濃縮: urannnoushuku: enrichment of uranium <<< ウラン


pronunciation: noudo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: density, thickness, concentration
related words: 密度


pronunciation: happou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: foaming, bubbling
発泡する: happousuru: foam (v.), bubble
発泡剤: happouzai: foaming agent <<<
発泡酒: happoushu: sparkling alcohol <<<
発泡ワイン: happouwain: sparkling wine, bubbly, champagne <<< ワイン , シャンパン
発泡スチロール: happousuchirooru: foam styrol, foam styrene <<< スチロール


pronunciation: hannnou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , biology
translation: reaction, response
反応する: hannnousuru: react, respond
反応が有る: hannnougaaru: have effect on <<<
反応が無い: hannnouganai: have no effect on <<<
反応時間: hannnoujikan: reaction (response) time <<< 時間
酸性反応: sanseihannnou: acid reaction <<< 酸性
化学反応: kagakuhannnou: chemical reaction <<< 化学
連鎖反応: rensahannnou: chain reaction <<< 連鎖
炎症反応: enshouhannnou: inflammatory reaction <<< 炎症
異常反応: ijouhannnou: allergy, abnormal reaction [response] <<< 異常
接触反応: sesshokuhannnou: catalysis <<< 接触
拒絶反応: kyozetsuhannnou: rejection symptom, immunological reaction <<< 拒絶
陰性反応: inseihannnou: negative reaction <<< 陰性
陽性反応: youseihannnou: positive reaction <<< 陽性
拒否反応: kyohihannnou: rejection reaction <<< 拒否
アルカリ反応: arukarihannnou: alkaline reaction <<< アルカリ
プラス反応: purasuhannnou: positive reaction <<< プラス


pronunciation: bakuhatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , weapon
translation: explosion, blast (n.)
爆発する: bakuhatsusuru: explode, blast (v.)
爆発性の: bakuhatsuseino: explosive (a.) <<<
爆発物: bakuhatsubutsu: explosive (n.) <<<
爆発薬: bakuhatsuyaku <<<
爆発音: bakuhatsuon: report, loud noise, detonation <<<
爆発力: bakuhatsuryoku: brisance, explosive power <<<
爆発ガス: bakuhatsugasu: explosive gas <<< ガス
核爆発: kakubakuhatsu: nuclear explosion <<<
原発爆発: genpatsubakuhatsu: explosion of a nuclear plant <<< 原発
ガス爆発: gasubakuhatsu: gas explosion <<< ガス
related words: 破裂


pronunciation: hiso
kanji characters:
keyword: chemistry
translation: arsenic
砒素中毒: hisochuudoku: arsenic poisoning <<< 中毒


pronunciation: hyoumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry
translation: surface, face, appearance
表面に: hyoumennni: on the outside (face, surface)
表面の: hyoumennno: of the surface, superficial
表面的: hyoumenteki <<<
表面的に: hyoumentekini: superficially
表面的には: hyoumentekiniha: outwardly, one the surface, apparently, seemingly, on the face of it
表面上は: hyoumenjouha <<<
表面に現れる: hyoumennniarawareru: come to the surface <<<
表面化する: hyoumenkasuru: come to the front, come up to the surface <<<
表面積: hyoumenseki: surface area <<<
表面張力: hyoumenchouryoku: surface tension <<< 張力


pronunciation: hukugou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: chemistry , grammar
translation: compound (n.), composite
複合の: hukugouno: compound (a.), complex
複合する: hukugousuru: compose (v.), compound, combine
複合語: hukugougo: compound word <<<
複合文: hukugoubun: complex [combined] sentence <<<
複合体: hukugoutai: complex <<<
複合物: hukugoubutsu: compound, composite <<<
複合薬: hukugouyaku: combination drug <<<
複合汚染: hukugouosen: combined [compound, multiplied] pollution <<< 汚染
複合企業: hukugoukigyou: conglomerate <<< 企業
複合機関: hukugoukikan: compound engine <<< 機関
複合競技: hukugoukyougi: Nordic [Alpine] combined <<< 競技
複合名詞: hukugoumeishi: compound noun <<< 名詞
複合輸送: hukugouyusou: combined transportation <<< 輸送
複合レンズ: hukugourenzu: compound lens <<< レンズ
アルペン複合: arupenhukugou: Alpine combination <<< アルペン
ノルディック複合: noruJikkuhukugou: Nordic combination, Nordic combined <<< ノルディック

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