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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22
Direct access: 血液 , 欠乏 , 結膜 , 献血 , 検査 , 検死 , 検便 , 外科 , 月経 , 幻覚


pronunciation: ketsueki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , biology
translation: blood
血液型: ketsuekigata: blood type <<<
血液検査: ketsuekikensa: blood test <<< 検査
血液銀行: ketsuekiginkou: blood bank <<< 銀行
血液透析: ketsuekitouseki: hemodialysis <<< 透析
保存血液: hozonketsueki: banked [stored] blood <<< 保存


pronunciation: ketsubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: want (n.), lack, privation, scarcity, shortage, dearth
欠乏する: ketsubousuru: lack (v.), want, be in want of, suffer from a shortage of, run out [short] of
欠乏の為: ketsubounotame: for lack of <<<
欠乏に耐える: ketsubounitaeru: endure shortage <<<
欠乏症: ketsuboushou: deficiency disease <<<
食糧の欠乏: shokuryounoketsubou: food shortage <<< 食糧


pronunciation: ketsumaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: conjunctiva
結膜炎: ketsumakuen: conjunctivitis <<<


pronunciation: kenketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: blood donation
献血する: kenketsusuru: donate blood
献血者: kenketsusha: blood donor <<<
related words: 輸血


pronunciation: kensa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , medicine
translation: check (n.), control (n.), examination, inspection
検査する: kensasuru: check (v.), control (v.), examine, inspect
検査を受ける: kensaoukeru: submit to inspection, be inspected <<<
検査官: kensakan: inspector, examiner, auditor <<<
検査所: kensajo: inspection office <<<
検査役: kensayaku: ringside judge (in Sumo) <<<
検査済: kensazumi: already examined <<<
再検査: saikensa: reexamination, reinspection <<<
再検査する: saikensasuru: examine again, reexamine, reinspect
尿検査: nyoukensa: urine test, urinalysis <<< 尿
血液検査: ketsuekikensa: blood test <<< 血液
知能検査: chinoukensa: intelligence test, IQ test <<< 知能
機能検査: kinoukensa: efficacy [functional] check <<< 機能
透視検査: toushikensa: fluoroscopy <<< 透視
視力検査: shiryokukensa: test of eyesight <<< 視力
妊娠検査: ninshinkensa: pregnancy test <<< 妊娠
精密検査: seimitsukensa: close examination <<< 精密
飲酒検査: inshukensa: breathalyzer test, breath test <<< 飲酒
適性検査: tekiseikensa: aptitude test <<< 適性
帳簿を検査する: choubookensasuru: examine accounts <<< 帳簿
性能検査: seinoukensa: efficiency [performance] test <<< 性能
会計検査: kaikeikensa: financial audit <<< 会計
抽出検査: chuushutsukensa: spot-check <<< 抽出
顕微鏡検査: kenbikyoukensa: microscopic examination <<< 顕微鏡
定期検査: teikikensa: periodical inspection <<< 定期
税関検査: zeikankensa: customs check [control, examination, inspection] <<< 税関
服装検査: hukusoukensa: dress inspection <<< 服装
立入検査: tachiirikensa: inspection <<< 立入
立入検査する: tachiirikensasuru: inspect <<< 立入
身体検査: shintaikensa: medical checkup, physical examination, searching, body-search (n.) <<< 身体
身体検査をする: shintaikensaosuru: perform a medical examination, registrar a uno, body-search (v.) <<< 身体
徴兵検査: chouheikensa: [army] physical examination <<< 徴兵
レントゲン検査: rentogenkensa: X-ray examination <<< レントゲン
エイズ検査: eizukensa: aids test <<< エイズ
ドーピング検査: doopingukensa: dope check <<< ドーピング
synonyms: チェック
related words: 試験


pronunciation: kenshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , medicine
translation: coroner's inquest, post-mortem examination, autopsy
検死する: kenshisuru: examine (a corpse), hold an inquest (over)
検死官: kenshikan: coroner <<<
related words: 解剖


pronunciation: kenben
kanji characters: , 便
keyword: medicine
translation: stool test, examination of feces
検便する: kenbensuru: examine a person's feces


pronunciation: geka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: surgery, surgical department
外科医: gekai: surgeon <<<
外科的: gekateki: surgical <<<
外科室: gekashitsu: operating room <<<
外科病院: gekabyouin: surgery <<< 病院
外科医院: gekaiin <<< 医院
外科手術: gakashujutsu: surgical operation <<< 手術
整形外科: seikeigeka: orthopedic surgery, orthopedics <<< 整形
整形外科の: seikeigekano: orthopedic <<< 整形
内臓外科: naizougeka: internal surgery <<< 内臓
形成外科: keiseigeka: plastic surgery <<< 形成
心臓外科: shinzougeka: heart surgery, cardiosurgery <<< 心臓
related words: 内科


pronunciation: gekkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: menstruation, menses, periods
月経が有る: gekkeigaaru: have the menses [monthlies] <<<
月経中である: gekkeichuudearu: be in one's menses, be unwell <<<
月経期: gekkeiki: menstruation period <<<
月経帯: gekkeitai: sanitary napkin [belt] <<<
月経不順: gekkeihujun: menstrual irregularity
月経周期: gekkeishuuki: menstruation cycle <<< 周期
synonyms: 生理


pronunciation: genkaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hallucination, illusion
幻覚を抱く: genkakuoidaku: entertain [cherish, harbor] illusions <<<
幻覚を起させる: genkakuookosaseru: make someone hallucinate <<<
幻覚剤: genkakuzai: hallucinogen (drug) <<<
幻覚症状: genkakushoujou: hallucination (symptoms) <<< 症状

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