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category: to learn in school
keyword: position , time
Number of strokes: 6
translation: future, ahead, first, former, anticipate
先: saki: future, ahead, first, former, beforehand, destination, point, tip, nib
先んじる: sakinjiru: act in advance, anticipate
先んずれば人を制す: sakinzurebahitooseisu: 'First come, first served'
先: sakki: a little while ago <<< 先程
先が長い: sakiganagai: have a long future before one <<<
先の見える: sakinomieru: long-sighted, far-sighted <<< , 遠視
先の見えない: sakinomienai: short-sighted, near-sighted <<< , 近視
先の知れない: sakinoshirenai: uncertain, doubtful <<<
先の尖った: sakinotogatta: pointed [sharp] at the end <<<
先を争う: sakioarasou: strive to be foremost <<<
先を急ぐ: sakioisogu: hurry <<<
先に: sakini: ahead, beyond, away
先に行く: sakiniiku: go first [ahead], go before (a person) <<<
先に金を払う: sakinikaneoharau: pay in advance
先走る: sakibashiru: go too far ahead (of), be too forward <<<
先ず: mazu: first of all
Kanji words: 先月 , 先手 , 水先 , 先頭 , 先制 , 優先 , 指先 , 先輩 , 旅先 , 先日 , 先進 , 先程 , 手先 , 鉾先 , 先祖 , 祖先 , 先代 , 先任 , 先週 , 先口 , 先物 , 先行 , 鼻先 , 先生 , 先端 , 爪先 , 先導 , 先見 , 先史 , 先着 , 目先
Expressions: 舌の先 , 指の先 , 靴の先 , 槍の先 , 軒先に , 此れより先 , 鼻の先 , 転送先 , 連絡先 , 旅行先 , 問合せ先 , 送付先 , 養子先 , 振込先 , 支払先 , 移転先 , 配達先 , 購入先 , 仕入先 , 出荷先 , 発注先 , 取引先 , 出張先 , 得意先 , 就職先 , 勤務先 , 奉公先 , 引越先 , 注文先 , 時代に先んじる , 先住民 , 滞在先 , ペン先

category: to learn in school
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 6
translation: peace, peaceful, tranquil, calm, why (bor.)
安い: yasui: peaceful, quiet, calm, cheap (jp.)
安んじる: yasunjiru: soothe, quiet (vt.), calm, be contented [satisfied] (with), rest assured, be at ease [rest]
安くんぞ: izukunzo: why
安く: yasuku: cheap, at a low price, at a bargain
安くする: yasukusuru: lower [drop] the price
安く売る: yasukuuru: sell (a thing) cheap, undercut <<<
安く買う: yasukukau: buy [get] (a thing) cheap <<<
安く見る: yasukumiru: underestimate, underrate, undervalue <<<
安く成る: yasukunaru: become cheaper, go down (in price), fall <<<
安っぽい: yasuppoi: cheap, tawdry, flashy, flippant, sleazy
安らぎ: yasuragi: tranquility, serenity, peace, calmness
安らぐ: yasuragu: calm down
安らかな: yasurakana: peaceful, tranquil, calm, free from anxiety [care]
安らかに: yasurakani: peacefully, tranquilly, calmly
安んじて: yasunjite: contentedly, in contentment, trustingly, at ease, in peace
安かろう悪かろう: yasukarouwarukarou: cheap and nasty <<<
Kanji words: 安易 , 目安 , 安堵 , 保安 , 安心 , 円安 , 安楽 , 安息 , 安否 , 安住 , 格安 , 安価 , 安置 , 気安い , 慰安 , 公安 , 治安 , 安全 , 安物 , 安定 , 不安
Expressions: 値の安い , 読み安い , 心安い , 反動安 , 飛切安い , 金利が安い , 値段が安い , ドル安 , ストップ安

category: to learn in school
other spells: 傳
keyword: communication
Number of strokes: 6
translation: communicate, inform, spread, propagate
den, ten
伝: den: life, biography, way, method
伝える: tsutaeru: communicate (vt.), inform, propagate
伝わる: tsutawaru: communicate (vi.), spread
伝う: tsutau: go [walk] along
伝え聞く: tsutaekiku: hear [learn] from others, learn [know] by hearsay <<<
伝: shukuba: relay station, stage <<< 宿場
伝: tada: pers.
Kanji words: 秘伝 , 伝票 , 手伝 , 伝言 , 遺伝 , 伝承 , 伝記 , 伝導 , 伝統 , 外伝 , 宣伝 , 伝達 , 伝道 , 伝説 , 伝令 , 伝染
Expressions: 磯伝いに , 偉人伝 , 伝言を伝える , 白蛇伝

category: to learn in school
keyword: weapon , sport
Number of strokes: 6
translation: hit, strike, touch, graze, face, confront
当たる: ataru: hit, strike, come true, hit the truth, prove right, be right, draw a prize, touch, graze, shine upon, warm oneself, face, confront, lie, stand, fall on, correspond to, be equivalent to, be poisoned, be [win] a success, make a hit, turn out well
当てる: ateru: put, place, apply, hold, press, hit, strike, guess (v.), make a guess, make a hit, make a great deal, expose, subject, appropriate
当たり: atari: hit, success, bit (in fishing), batting average (in baseball)
当てられる: aterareru: be hit, get angry, be called upon
当りが良い: atarigaii, atarigayoi: affable, sociable, amiable, friendly <<<
当りが悪い: atarigawarui: unaffable, unsociable <<<
当たって: atatte: in the direction of, when, on the occasion of
当り散らす: atarichirasu: be cross with everybody, work off one's bad temper (on a person) <<<
当り前の: atarimaeno: natural, proper, reasonable, ordinary, common, normal <<<
当て込む: atekomu: calculate [count] upon, expect <<<
当て嵌まる: atehamaru: be applicable, hold tru, conform to, come under, fit <<<
当て嵌める: atehameru: apply, adapt <<<
当かう: mukau: face to face <<<
当: soko: bottom <<<
当: shichi: pledge <<<
Kanji words: 当局 , 当方 , 当時 , 当地 , 当店 , 相当 , 抵当 , 目当て , 当然 , 当事者 , 適当 , 配当 , 本当 , 当分 , 担当 , 当座 , 該当 , 当番 , 当日 , 当選 , 見当 , 弁当 , 割当 , 当初 , 手当 , 妥当 , 当直 , 正当 , 不当 , 別当 , 当惑
Expressions: 行き当たる , 行き当たりばったりの , 日の当る , 日に当る , 図に当たる , 的を当てる , 思い当たる , 場当あたりの , 鏝を当てる , 探り当てる , 局に当たる , 籤に当たる , 差し当り , 穴を当てる , 火に当たる , 辛く当たる , 言い当てる , 推測が当たる , 御湿を当てる , 火燵に当たる , 剃刀を当てる , 抽選で当たる , 馬券が当る , 懸賞に当る , 照明を当てる , 見込が当たる , 当たるも八卦当たらぬも八卦 , 当り番号 , 難局に当たる , 一人当たり , 外気に当たる , 外気に当てる

category: common usage
keyword: environment , hygiene
Number of strokes: 6
translation: dirt, filth, soil, contamination, dirty, pollute, dishonor, spot
o, wa
汚す: yogosu: dirty (vt.), soil, stain
汚れ: yogore: dirt, filth, soil, contamination
汚れ物: yogoremono: dirty [soiled] things, washing, laundry <<<
汚れを取る: yogoreotoru: take out a stain (from) <<<
汚れる: yogoreru: dirty (vi.)
汚れた: yogoreta: dirty (a.)
汚れっぽい: yogoreppoi: easily soiled, liable to be soiled
汚れ易い: yogoreyasui <<<
汚れる: kegareru: be polluted, be dishonored, sully
汚す: kegasu: dishonor
汚れ: kegare: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame <<<
汚れの無い: kegarenonai: stainless, taintless, clean, pure, innocent <<<
汚い: kitanai: dirty (a.), filthy, unclean, soiled, shabby, nasty, indecent, obscene, mean, base, unfair, foul, stingy, niggardly
汚くする: kitanakusuru: stain, soil, make dirty
Kanji words: 汚名 , 汚水 , 汚点 , 汚職 , 汚染 , 汚物
Expressions: 名を汚す , 薄汚い , 口汚い , 貞操を汚す , 名誉を汚す , 神聖を汚す , 意地の汚い , 言葉汚く

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: shout, cry
叫ぶ: sakebu: shout (v.), cry (out), give a cry, exclaim, clamor, shriek, scream, roar, howl, advocate
叫び: sakebi: shout (n.), exclamation, shriek, scream, clamor, roar, howl, wail
Kanji words: 絶叫 , 阿鼻叫喚
Expressions: 泣き叫ぶ

category: common usage
keyword: business , sport
Number of strokes: 6
translation: pay, supply, purvey, deliver
kyuu, sou
扱く: koku: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: kokiorosu: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast <<<
扱き使う: kokitsukau: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: atsukau: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: atsukai: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: atsukaiyasui: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: atsukainikui: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: osameru: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: shigoku: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: shigoki: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing
Expressions: 他人扱いする , 丁寧に扱う , 専門に扱う , 子供扱いにする , 寛大に扱う , 乱暴に扱う , 特別扱いする

category: common usage
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 6
translation: red, vermilion
shu: old unit of money (jp.)
朱に交われば赤くなる: shunimajiwarebaakakunaru: He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith
朱い: akai: red (a.) <<<
朱: aka: red (n.) <<<
朱: ake
Kanji words: 朱色

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: two, pair, accompany (ext.)
ni, ji
弐つ: hutatsu: two <<<
弐う: sou: accompany <<<

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: look up, seek, respect, esteem
gyou, kou
仰ぐ: aogu: look up, seek, respect, esteem
仰る: aoru: drink (by looking up)
仰せ: oose: wishes, instructions
仰せに従って: oosenishitagatte: in obedience to a person's wishes [instructions] <<<
仰せの通です: oosenotooridesu: You are [That's] right, Certainly sir <<<
Kanji words: 仰向 , 信仰 , 仰天
Expressions: 天を仰ぐ , 毒薬を仰ぐ , 指図を仰ぐ , 裁可を仰ぐ

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