Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11
Direct access: 通訳 , 添削 , 同音 , 同義 , 動詞 , 二格 , 日本語 , 人称 , 能動 , 派生


pronunciation: tsuuyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar , job
translation: interpretation, interpreter
通訳する: tsuuyakusuru: interpret, translate
通訳を務める: tsuuyakuotsutomeru <<<
通訳者: tsuuyakusha: interpreter, translator <<<
通訳官: tsuuyakukan: official interpreter <<<
同時通訳: doujitsuuyaku: simultaneous interpretation <<< 同時
related words: 翻訳


pronunciation: tensaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: correction (of a document)
添削する: tensakusuru: correct, look over
添削料: tensakuryou: correction fee <<<
related words: 訂正 , 修正


pronunciation: douon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: the same sound, unison
同音語: douongo: homonyme, homophone <<<
同音意義語: douonnigigo
同音意義: douonnigi: homonymy


pronunciation: dougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: synonymity, synonymy
同義性: dougisei <<<
同義の: dougino: synonymous
同義語: dougigo: synonym <<<


pronunciation: doushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: verb
動詞変化: doushihenka: conjugation <<< 変化
他動詞: tadoushi: transitive verb <<<
自動詞: jidoushi: intransitive verb <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 規則
作為動詞: sakuidoushi: factitive [causative] verb <<< 作為


pronunciation: nikaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 2格
keyword: grammar
translation: genitive
第二格: dainikaku <<<
related words: 一格 , 三格 , 四格


pronunciation: nihongo
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: grammar , japan
translation: Japanese language, Japanese
日本語で: nihongode: in Japanese
日本語話します: nihongohanashimasu: I [we] speak Japanese <<<
日本語話せます: nihongohanasemasu
日本語話せません: nihongohanasemasen: I [we] don't speak Japanese
日本語話しますか: nihongohanashimasuka: can [do] you speak Japanese?
日本語解りますか: nihongowakarimasuka: can you understand Japanese? <<<
related words: 日本 , 和文


pronunciation: ninshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: person (in grammar)
一人称: ichininshou: the first person <<<
二人称: nininshou: the second person <<<
三人称: sannninshou: the third person <<<
人称代名詞: ninshoudaimeishi: personal pronoun


pronunciation: noudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: activity
能動的: noudouteki: active <<<
能動的に: noudoutekini: actively
能動態: noudoutai: active voice <<<
related words: 受動


pronunciation: hasei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: derivation
派生する: haseisuru: derive [be derived] (from)
派生的: haseiteki: derivative (a.) <<<
派生語: haseigo: derivative (language, word), daughter language <<<
related words: デリバティブ

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