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Direct access: 鼓動 , 五感 , 採血 , 再発 , 催眠 , 作用 , 産婦 , 指圧 , 死因 , 歯科


pronunciation: kodou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: pulse, pulsation, heartbeat, throbbing
鼓動する: kodousuru: pulsate, beat, throb
鼓動が止まる: kotogatomaru: stop to pulsate <<<
related words: 動悸


pronunciation: gokan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: five senses


pronunciation: saiketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: taking of a blood sample, blood taking
採血する: saiketsusuru: take a blood sample, gather [collect] blood
採血車: saiketsusha: bloodmobile <<<
related words: 献血 , 輸血


pronunciation: saihatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: relapse, return
再発する: saihatsusuru: return, recur, have a second attack (of a disease), have a relapse


pronunciation: saimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: hypnotism, mesmerism
催眠術: saiminjutsu <<<
催眠術に掛かる: saiminjutsunikakaru: be hypnotized, be mesmerized <<<
催眠術を掛ける: saiminjutsuokakeru: hypnotize [mesmerize] (a person) <<<
催眠術を施す: saiminjutsuohodokosu <<<
催眠術師: saiminjutsushi: hypnotist, mesmerist <<<
催眠術治療: saiminjutsuchiryou: hypnotherapy <<< 治療
催眠治療: saiminchiryou
催眠状態: saiminjoutai: hypnotic state, hypnosis <<< 状態
催眠状態の人: saiminjoutainohito: hypnotic (person) <<<
催眠状態から覚ます: saiminjoutaikarasamasu: dehypnotize <<<
自己催眠: jikosaimin: autohypnosis <<< 自己
related words: 睡眠


pronunciation: sayou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , medicine
translation: action, operation, process
作用する: sayousuru: act, operate, function (v.)
作用範囲: sayouhanni: working realm <<< 範囲
副作用: hukusayou: side effect <<<
反作用: hansayou: reaction <<<
消化作用: shoukasayou: digestive process <<< 消化
分解作用: bunkaisayou: disintegration <<< 分解
梃子の作用: tekonosayou: leverage, purchase <<< 梃子
反射作用: hanshasayou: reflex action <<< 反射
解毒作用: gedokusayou: detoxification (process) <<< 解毒
緩衝作用: kanshousayou: regulatory action <<< 緩衝
生殖作用: seishokusayou: generative process <<< 生殖
排泄作用: haisetsusayou: excretory process <<< 排泄
相互に作用する: sougonisayousuru: interact <<< 相互
相互作用: sougosayou: reciprocal action, interaction <<< 相互
還元作用: kangensayou: reducing process <<< 還元
同化作用: doukasayou: process of assimilation <<< 同化
交互作用: kougosayou: interaction, reciprocal action <<< 交互
補償作用: hoshousayou: compensation (action) <<< 補償
堆積作用: taisekisayou: sedimentation <<< 堆積
感応作用: kannnousayou: induction <<< 感応
浸食作用: shinshokusayou: erosion, erosive action <<< 浸食
浸透作用: shintousayou: osmotic action <<< 浸透
心理作用: shinrisayou: mental process <<< 心理
自動作用: jidousayou: automatic action <<< 自動


pronunciation: sanpu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: woman in child bed, woman in her confinement
助産婦: josanpu: mid wife <<<
related words: 妊婦


pronunciation: shiatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: finger-pressure, acupressure, shiatsu
指圧師: shiatsushi: acupressure therapist <<<
指圧療法: shiatsuryouhou: finger-pressure [acupressure] therapy <<< 療法


pronunciation: shiin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: cause of death
死因を調べる: shiinnoshiraberu: inquire into the cause of a person's death <<< 調 , 検死


pronunciation: shika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine
translation: dentistry, dental surgery, dental medicine
歯科医: shikai: dentist <<<
歯科病院: shikabyouin: dental clinic [hospital] <<< 病院
歯科医院: shikaiin: dentist's office <<< 医院
歯科大学: shikadaigaku: dental college <<< 大学

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