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Direct access: 抗議 , 行使 , 公使 , 公式 , 皇室 , 公衆 , 交渉 , 皇族 , 公団 , 更迭


pronunciation: kougi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: protestation, objection
抗議する: kougisuru: protest, object
抗議集会: kougishuukai: protest rally <<< 集会
抗議声明: kougiseimei: protest statement <<< 声明
抗議運動: kougiundou: protest movement <<< 運動
抗議デモ: kougidemo: protest demonstration <<< デモ


pronunciation: koushi
kanji characters: , 使
keyword: politics
translation: exercise (n.), exertion, use (n.)
行使する: koushisuru: exercise (v.), use (v.), make use of
権利を行使する: kenriokoushisuru: exercise one's rights <<< 権利
武力行使: buryokukoushi: exercise [use] of military force [power] <<< 武力


pronunciation: koushi
kanji characters: , 使
keyword: politics
translation: minister
公使館: koushikan: legation <<<
公使館員: koushikannin: legation attaché, staff of a legation <<<
related words: 大使 , 領事


pronunciation: koushiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , mathematics
translation: formality, formula
公式な: koushikina: formal, official
公式論: koushikiron: formalism <<<
公式訪問: koushikihoumon: visitation, official visit <<< 訪問
公式見解: koushikikenkai: deliverance <<< 見解
公式発表: koushikihappyou: official announcement <<< 発表
公式声明: koushikiseimei: official statement <<< 声明
非公式: hikoushiki: unofficial <<<


pronunciation: koushitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , history
translation: imperial house
皇室費: koushitsuhi: imperial household expenses, allowances <<<
皇室財産: koushitsuzaisan: imperial estate <<< 財産
皇室典範: koushitsutenpan: imperial house law


pronunciation: koushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , travel
translation: public (n.)
公衆の: koushuuno: public (a.)
公衆電話: koushuudenwa: public telephone, pay phone, call box <<< 電話
公衆便所: koushuubenjo: public lavatory, public convenience, comfort station <<< 便所
公衆浴場: koushuuyokujou: public bath <<< 浴場
公衆道徳: koushuudoutoku: public morality <<< 道徳
公衆衛生: koushuueisei: public health, hygiene <<< 衛生
related words: 公共


pronunciation: koushou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , business
translation: negotiation, bargaining, treaty, overture, relation, relationship
交渉する: koushousuru: negotiate, bargain, treat
交渉を持つ: koushouomotsu: have [make] a relationship with a person, have [establish] relations <<<
交渉を断つ: koushouotatsu: break off [discontinue] relations <<<
交渉中: koushouchuu: under negotiation <<<
交渉委員: koushouiin: (a member of) negotiation committee <<< 委員
交渉団体: koushoudantai: negotiating body <<< 団体
性交渉: seikoushou: sexual relation <<<
和平交渉: waheikoushou: peace negotiations <<< 和平
予備交渉: yobikoushou: preliminary negotiations <<< 予備
直接交渉: chokusetsukoushou: direct negotiation <<< 直接
個別交渉: kobetsukoushou: separate negotiation <<< 個別
団体交渉: dantaikoushou: collective bargaining <<< 団体
related words: 協議 , 関係


pronunciation: kouzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , politics
translation: imperial [royal] family, an imperial [royal] prince [princess]
皇族会議: kouzokukaigi: imperial family council <<< 会議
related words: 天皇


pronunciation: koudan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , politics
translation: public corporation
公団住宅: koudanjuutaku: Housing Corporation apartment house <<< 住宅
住宅公団: juutakukoudan: Housing Corporation <<< 住宅


pronunciation: koutetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: dismissal, reshuffle (n.)
更迭する: koutetsusuru: dismiss, reshuffle (v.)
大更迭: daikoutetsu: complete reshuffle <<<
内閣更迭: naikakukoutetsu: ministerial (cabinet) change <<< 内閣
related words: 免職

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