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category: to learn in school
keyword: organs
Number of strokes: 10
translation: vein, nerve, sequence, succession
myaku, baku
脈: myaku: pulse (jp.), pulsation, hope
脈が速い: myakugahayai: One's pulse is quick <<<
脈が弱い: myakugayowai: One's pulse is feeble [weak] <<<
脈を取る: myakuotoru: feel a person's pulse <<<
脈を診る: myakuomiru <<<
脈が無い: myakuganai: be hopeless, There is no hope (left) <<<
脈: suji: vein, nerve <<<
Kanji words: 山脈 , 脈々 , 動脈 , 鉱脈 , 静脈 , 人脈

category: to learn in school
keyword: drink
Number of strokes: 10
translation: sake, wine, liquor, alcoholic beverage
酒: sake
酒を飲む: sakeonomu: drink sake, have a drink <<<
酒に飲まれる: sakeninomareru: be drowned in liquor <<<
酒に溺れる: sakenioboreru <<<
酒が強い: sakegatsuyoi: be a heavy drinker <<<
酒が弱い: sakegayowai: be a poor drinker <<<
酒を断つ: sakeotatsu: give up drinking <<<
酒を止める: sakeoyameru <<<
Kanji words: 酒場 , 飲酒 , 酒屋 , 酒気 , 酒盛
Expressions: 祝い酒 , 強い酒 , 日本酒 , 合成酒 , 食前酒 , 食後酒 , 木苺酒 , 発泡酒 , 果実酒 , 葡萄酒 , 特級酒 , 密輸酒 , 胡桃酒 , 林檎酒 , 梯子酒 , ミラベル酒 , シェリー酒 , ラム酒 , コップ酒
related words: アルコール

category: to learn in school
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 10
translation: needle, fishhook, prickle, spine, sting, stitch
針: hari
針で刺す: haridesasu: prick with a needle <<<
針で刺すような痛み: haridesasuyounaitami: stinging pain
針に糸を通す: hariniitootoosu: thread a needle
針に餌を付ける: hariniesaotsukeru: bait a hook
Kanji words: 方針 , 針鼠 , 鉤針 , 避雷針 , 長針 , 短針 , 針金 , 針葉 , 針路
Expressions: 蜂の針 , 注射針 , 時計の針 , 刺繍針 , 針仕事 , ホッチキスの針 , ダイヤモンド針
related words:

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 10
translation: laugh, smile
笑い: warai: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer
笑いが止まらない: waraigatomaranai: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<<
笑いを抑える: waraioosaeru: suppress a laugh <<<
笑いを招く: waraiomaneku: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<<
笑い出す: waraidasu: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<<
笑い倒ける: waraikokeru: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<<
笑い転げる: waraikorogeru <<<
笑い飛ばす: waraitobasu: laugh away <<<
笑う: warau: laugh (v.)
笑うべき: waraubeki: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous
笑われる: warawareru: be [get] laughed at
笑わせる: warawaseru: let (a person) laugh
笑む: emu: smile (v.)
笑み: emi: smile (n.)
笑みを浮かべて: emioukabete: by [with] smiling <<<
Kanji words: 笑顔 , 可笑し , 冷笑 , 嘲笑 , 爆笑 , 苦笑 , 微笑 , 笑窪
Expressions: 嘲り笑う , 忍び笑う , 鼻で笑う , 愛想笑い , 愛嬌笑い , 笑い川蝉 , 御世辞笑い , 馬鹿笑 , 豪傑笑い

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 10
translation: catapult, canon
砲: tsutsu: pipe, tube, cylinder <<<
Kanji words: 高射砲 , 砲火 , 砲撃 , 銃砲 , 鉄砲 , 大砲
Expressions: 迫撃砲 , 戦車砲 , 速射砲 , 捕鯨砲 , 自走砲 , 榴弾砲 , レーザー砲 , バズーカ砲 , ロケット砲 , カチューシャ砲

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: cut off, kill, in particular (ext.)
shu, ju
殊つ: tatsu: cut off, kill, slay <<< , ,
殊す: korosu: kill, slay <<<
殊に: kotoni: especially, particularly, in particular, above all, of all things, among others, moreover <<< ,
殊の外: kotonohoka: remarkably, exceedingly, extremely, unusually, exceptionally, unexpectedly <<<
Kanji words: 特殊

category: common usage
keyword: disease
Number of strokes: 10
translation: ill, sick, disease, quick (conf.), fast, rapid, swift
疾: yamai: illness, sickness, disease <<<
疾む: yamu: fall ill, get ill <<<
疾しい: yamashii: feel ashamed (of) <<<
疾む: nikumu: hate (v.), detest, have a hatred for <<< ,
疾い: hayai: quick, fast, rapid, swift <<<
Kanji words: 疾風 , 疾患 , 痔疾

category: common usage
keyword: martial art
Number of strokes: 10
translation: sword, saber
剣: ken: sword, saber, dagger, bayonet
剣もほろろの: kenmohororono: rebuff, snub
剣もほろろに: kenmohororoni: flatly, bluntly, curtly, coldly
剣を抜く: kennonuku: draw a sword <<<
剣を納める: kennoosameru: sheathe a sword <<<
剣: tsurugi: sword
Kanji words: 剣豪 , 剣士 , 短剣 , 手裏剣 , 剣道 , 木剣 , 聖剣 , 真剣

category: common usage
keyword: road
Number of strokes: 10
translation: walk (org.), way, path, road, street
to, zu
途切れ: togire: break (n.), pause <<<
途切れる: togireru: break (v.), be interrupted <<<
途切れ途切れの: togiretogireno: broken, interrupted, disconnected
途切れ途切れに: togiretogireni: brokenly, intermittently, off and on
途: michi: way, path, road, street <<<
途んでもない: tondemonai: outrageous, fantastic, terrible, ridiculous, No kidding! No way! Anything but! Far from it! Not bloody likely
Kanji words: 途端 , 中途 , 途中 , 一途 , 冥途 , 前途
Expressions: 帰宅の途につく

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 10
translation: measure, weigh, recite (ext.)
称する: shousuru: name, call, style, pretend, feign, claim
称る: hakaru: measure (v.), weigh, take measure of <<<
称げる: ageru: hoist <<<
称める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire <<<
称える: tataeru
称える: tonaeru: recite <<<
称う: kanau: fit, suit, be suitable (to, for), agree (with one), accord (with one's opinion), conform (to the law) <<<
Kanji words: 人称 , 呼称 , 名称 , 総称 , 愛称 , 通称 , 対称 , 敬称 , 称賛 , 自称
Expressions: 栄光を称える , 栄誉を称える , 栄誉を称えて , 三人称

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