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category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hair, locks, tresses
hatsu, hochi
髪: kami
髪を結う: kamioyuu: dress [do up, fix up] one's hair <<<
髪を刈る: kamiokaru: cut one's hair <<<
髪を切る: kamiokiru <<<
髪を梳く: kamiosuku: comb one's hair <<<
髪を梳かす: kamiotokasu <<<
髪を整える: kamiototonoeru <<<
髪を解く: kamiotoku: let [put] down one's hair <<<
髪を編む: kamioamu: braid one's hair <<<
髪を結ぶ: kamiomusubu: tie up one's hair <<<
髪を縮らす: kamiochiJirasu: frizzle one's hair <<<
髪を染める: kamiosomeru: dye one's hair <<<
髪を分ける: kamiowakeru: part one's hair <<<
髪を洗う: kamioarau: wash one's hair <<<
Kanji words: 毛髪 , 黒髪 , 髪型 , 散髪 , 前髪 , 髪結 , 白髪 , 金髪 , 理髪
Expressions: ブロンド髪 , ブロンド髪の , 髪をカールする
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: mustache, beard, whiskers, barbel
髭: hige
髭を生やす: higeohayasu: grow mustache [beard] <<<
髭の有る: higenoaru: bearded, mustached, unshaven <<<
髭の無い: higenonai: beardless, clean-shaven <<<
髭を剃る: higeosoru: shave oneself [one's face] <<< , 髭剃
Kanji words: 髭剃
Expressions: 山羊髭

category: JIS2
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 16
translation: topknot, chignon
髷: mage
髷を結う: mageoyuu: tie a topknot, do one's hair in a chignon <<<

category: JIS2
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 25
translation: mane
鬣: tategami
鬣の有る: tategaminoaru: maned <<<

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