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category: common usage
keyword: beauty
Number of strokes: 19
translation: parade of deer (org.), line up, connect, beautiful (ext.), graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい: uruwashii: beautiful, graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい声: uruwashiikoe: sweet [melodious] voice <<<
麗: urara: brightness (under sunshine)
麗かな: urarakana: bright (and clear), beautiful, glorious
麗かに: urarakani: brightly (under sunshine)
麗なる: tsuranaru: line up, stand in a row <<<
麗ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of) <<<
麗く: tsuku: connect, link
Kanji words: 華麗 , 秀麗 , 高麗 , 綺麗


category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 11
translation: deer, stag, hind, buck
鹿: shika
鹿: ka
鹿の角: shikanotsuno: antler <<<
鹿の皮: shikanokawa: buckskin, doeskin <<<
鹿の肉: shikanoniku: venison <<<
鹿が鳴く: shikaganaku: bell, troat <<<
鹿とする: shikatosuru: ignore a person on purpose
鹿を追う者は山を見ず: shikaooumonohayamaomizu: The pursuit of profit blinds a man to everything else in life, A man bent on gain cannot appreciate anything else
Kanji words: 雌鹿 , 子鹿 , 牡鹿 , 馴鹿 , 鹿児島 , 鹿肉 , 馬鹿

category: JIS1
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 19
translation: mountain foot [base]
麓: humoto

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