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category: to learn in school
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 15
translation: origin, nature, character, quality, verify
shitsu, shichi, chi, shi
質: shitsu, tachi: nature, character, quality
質の良い: shitsunoii, shitsunoyoi, tachinoii, tachinoyoi: of fine quality, be superior in quality <<<
質の悪い: shitsunowarui, tachinowarui: of poor quality, be inferior in quality <<<
質: shichi: pawn (n.)
質に入れる: shichiniireru: pawn (v.), put in pawn <<<
質に取る: shichinitoru: take (a thing) in pawn <<<
質を受け出す: shichioukedasu: redeem a pawn, take (a thing) out of hock
質: moto: essence, substance <<<
質す: tadasu: ascertain, verify <<<
質: mochimae: nature, character
質: sunao: obedient, meek <<< 素直
Kanji words: 質問 , 材質 , 本質 , 性質 , 物質 , 脂質 , 質疑 , 人質 , 質量 , 抗生物質 , 質屋 , 変質 , 異質 , 良質 , 気質 , 均質 , 品質 , 地質 , 上質 , 実質
Expressions: 問い質す , 石灰質の , 蛋白質 , 蛋白質の , 澱粉質の , 粘液質の , 脂肪質 , 遺伝質 , 海綿質 , 硫黄質の , 繊維質の , 粘土質の , 白亜質の , 象牙質 , 鉱物質 , 金属質 , 細胞質 , 樹脂質の , 神経質

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: tired, fatigued, abandon, give up
hi, hai
罷れる: tsukareru: be [get] tired, be [become] fatigued [weary, wearied] <<<
罷める: yameru: abandon, give up <<<
罷り出る: makarideru: present oneself <<<
罷り通る: makaritooru: push one's way (through), have one's own way <<<

category: common usage
keyword: nature
Number of strokes: 15
translation: transparent, clear, pure, limpid
澄む: sumu: become clear
澄んだ: sunda: clear, lucid, transparent, limpid
澄ます: sumasu: make clear, clarify, strain [prick up] one's ears, put on airs, be affected, look serious [grave, demure] (jp.), be [look] composed [calm], look prim
澄ました: sumashita: affected, prim, stuck up
澄んだ目: sundame: limpid eyes <<<
澄んだ声: sundakoe: clear voice <<<
澄んだ水: sundamizu: clear water <<<
澄み渡る: sumiwataru: clear up <<<
澄: kiyo, sumi, sumu: pers.
Expressions: 乙に澄ます , 耳を澄ます , 研ぎ澄ます , 見澄ます

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: console, amuse
慰め: nagusame: comfort, consolation, solace
慰める: nagusameru: console (v.), comfort, soothe, appease, placate, cheer (up), trifle (jp.)
慰む: nagusamu: amuse [enjoy] oneself
慰み: nagusami: amusement, pleasure, diversion, recreation
慰みに: nagusamini: for fun [pleasure], by way of amusement, as a pastime
Kanji words: 慰謝 , 慰安 , 自慰 , 慰問
Expressions: 旅情を慰める

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: wet, moist, enriched
潤う: uruou: be moistened, be enriched, get wet, be enriched, get benefits, profit (by, from)
潤す: uruosu: moisten, wet, enrich, make rich, benefit
潤い: uruoi: moisture, dampness, profit, grace, charm
潤いの有る: uruoinoaru: charming, tasteful <<<
潤いの有る目: uruoinoarume: liquid eyes
潤いの有る声: uruoinoarukoe: charming voice
潤いの無い: uruoinonai: dry, prosaic <<<
潤む: urumu: be wet, be moist
潤: tsuya: shine (n.), brilliancy <<<
潤み: megumi: blessing, grace <<<
Kanji words: 利潤 , 潤滑
Expressions: 喉を潤す
related words: 湿

category: common usage
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 15
translation: attack
撃つ: utsu: attack (v.)
Kanji words: 撃墜 , 衝撃 , 撃退 , 迫撃 , 爆撃 , 迎撃 , 追撃 , 電撃 , 打撃 , 砲撃 , 撃破 , 狙撃 , 射撃 , 突撃 , 襲撃 , 攻撃 , 進撃 , 一撃 , 目撃
Expressions: 迎え撃つ , 拳銃を撃つ , 一発撃つ , 鉄砲を撃つ , 大砲を撃つ , 実弾を撃つ , ピストルで撃つ , ピストルを撃つ
related words: ,

category: common usage
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 15
translation: spread, extend, lay
敷く: shiku
敷: shiki: guarantee (jp.), warrant
Kanji words: 敷地 , 敷居 , 座敷 , 敷布 , 屋敷 , 下敷 , 敷金 , 桟敷
Expressions: 床を敷く , 畳を敷く , 陣を敷く , 藁を敷く , 石を敷いた , 茣蓙を敷く , 茣蓙を敷いた , 土瓶敷 , 風呂敷 , 鉄道を敷く , 線路を敷く , 軌道を敷く , 花瓶敷き , 布団を敷く , 敷布団 , 砂利を敷く , 絨毯を敷く , アスファルトを敷く , レールを敷く

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 15
translation: skin, complexion
膚: hada
Kanji words: 皮膚

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: shut, tighten, fasten, tie, knot
締める: shimeru: tie, bind, tighten (up), shut, close, let down, fasten, put on, add [sum] up, save, economize <<<
締め付ける: shimetsukeru: tighten (up), fasten <<<
締め出す: shimedasu: shut [lock] out, shut the door on (a person), exclude (a person from) <<<
締め括る: shimekukuru: bind, bundle, bring (a matter) to finish [conclusion], settle (a matter) <<<
締め括り: shimekukuri: conclusion <<<
締め: shime: a bundle, total amount
締めて: shimete: altogether, in all in the total, all told
締めて幾らですか: shimeteikuradesuka: How much does it cost altogether? <<<
締まる: shimaru: shut (vi.), close <<<
締ぶ: musubu: tie (vt.), knot <<<
Kanji words: 取締 , 締切 , 締結
Expressions: 噛み締める , 肉の締まった , 抱き締める , 帯を締める , 握り締める , 靴紐を締める , 螺子で締める , 発条を締める , バックルを締める , キャップを締める , バンドを締める , ボルトを締める , ボルトで締める

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 15
translation: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver, rock, shiver
震う: huruu: shake (vt.), tremble, quiver
震える: hurueru: shake (vi.), tremble, quiver
震: ikazuchi: thunder (anc.) <<<
震: nai: shake, rock (by an earthquake)
震く: ononoku: tremble, shiver <<<
Kanji words: 震動 , 耐震 , 余震 , 地震 , 震源 , 震災 , 震度
Expressions: 全身を震わす , 武者震いする

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