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category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: stick, cane
杖: tsue
杖に縋る: tsuenisugaru: lean on a cane <<<
杖を突いて歩く: tsueotsuitearuku: walk with a stick
杖つ: utsu: beat with a stick <<<
杖く: tataku <<<
Expressions: 元帥杖 , 登山杖

category: JIS1
keyword: plant
Number of strokes: 7
translation: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead, rush (plant)
芯: shin: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead
芯まで腐った: shinmadekusatta: rotten to the core <<<
芯を出す: shinnodasu: turn up the wick <<<
芯を取る: shinnotoru <<<
芯を折る: shinnooru: break the lead <<<
芯: toushingusa: rush (plant)
Expressions: 鉛筆の芯 , 蝋燭の芯 , ランプの芯
related words:

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: action of sitting (orig.), sit
坐る: suwaru: sit down, take a seat, be seated, squat
坐ながら: inagara: without moving <<<
坐に: sozoroni: in spite of oneself, involuntarily, somehow <<<
坐す: owasu: exist (jp., pol.), be (there)
Kanji words: 胡坐

category: JIS1
keyword: utensil
Number of strokes: 7
translation: skewer, spit, pierce, accustomed (bor.)
串: kushi: skewer (n.), spit
串に刺す: kushinisasu: skewer (v.) <<<
串に刺して焼く: kushinisashiteyaku: roast on skewers
Expressions: 串カツ
related words:

category: JIS1
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 7
translation: swallow, gulp down, destroy, ruin
don, ton, ten
呑む: nomu: swallow, gulp down
Kanji words: 呑気
Expressions: 声を呑む , 波に呑まれる , 恨みを呑む , 涙を呑む , 条件を呑む

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 7
translation: foolish, silly, stupid, senile, dote
hou, bou
呆か: oroka: foolish, silly, stupid <<<
呆け: boke: senile psychosis [dementia] <<<
呆ける: bokeru: grow [become] senile, dote, grow mentally weak <<<
呆れる: akireru: be surprised (jp.), be amazed, be dumfounded (by), be disgusted
呆れて: akirete: in amazement, in disgust
呆れて物が言えない: akiretemonogaienai: be struck dumb with amazement, be dumfounded
呆れた: akireta: surprising, amazing, disgusting
呆れた奴: akiretayatsu: damned fellow <<<
呆れたね: akiretane: Well I never! You don't say!
Kanji words: 痴呆

category: JIS1
keyword: house
Number of strokes: 7
translation: cover, screen, protect, patronage (fig.)
庇う: oou: cover (v.), screen, protect <<< ,
庇: kage: protection, patronage
庇: hisashi: eaves (jp.), penthouse, visor, peak
Kanji words: 庇護
Expressions: 帽子の庇

category: JIS1
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: moxa
灸: yaito: moxa cautery
灸を据える: kyuuosueru: cauterize with moxa, punish, scold <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 7
translation: bark, howl, roar, bay
hai, bai
吠える: hoeru: bark (v.), howl, roar, bay
吠え声: hoegoe: bark (n.), barking, howl, howling, roar, roaring <<<
Expressions: 犬が吠える

category: JIS1
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 7
translation: bewitching, seduction, sexy, fascination, monster, ghost, goblin
妖く: namameku: look bewitching [seduction, sexy]
妖しい: ayashii: uncanny, mysterious, fascinating <<<
妖: bakemono: monster, ghost, goblin <<< 化物
妖: wazawai: evil, misfortune, mishap, disaster, calamity <<< ,
Kanji words: 妖精 , 妖怪

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